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Everything posted by TarheelRick

  1. Very nice looking build. Have never heard any of the WWII radial engines run, but have worked on T-28's. The sound of those will give a full-race Hemi a run for its money.
  2. Don't really recognize the truck on the left, sort of looks like a Studebaker. Maybe the Chevrolet is Ford powered.
  3. I would never have thought of owning a station wagon, now if I could find the right one it would definitely follow me home.
  4. Nice well detailed build. Those hazed headlights only add to the realism, almost all cars from that time frame have hazed headlights now.
  5. Good looking Camaros, especially like the blue one.
  6. Very pretty Nova. I'll bet the 4-speed with that six was a blast to drive. I am amazed at how you got the front fenders to fit so well.
  7. Very beautiful, well-detailed build even has the keys laying on the passenger seat. Hard to believe a build this beautiful could come from that mediocre kit. You are a true craftsman builder.
  8. I've been a bug fan for many years. First one was a 67, if you moved the floor mat the highway was visible. Moved up to a 72 Westphalia, then a 78 Rabbit. The only VW kit I have ever built was the "Flower Power" Revell kit, enough flash to mold another kit. This looks like a very clean, well molded kit. Looking forward to your build and the red really sets this one off. Keep those updates coming.
  9. I have been driving for 60 years and have driven some fairly large vehicles, of late primarily school buses. I have put them in places that I wonder how I got it in, but worse how am I going to get it out again. So far there have been no extra scratches on any of them. That being said my daily driver is a 2022 F-150 4X4 Crew Cab and I thoroughly despise parking garages. Open lots are no real picnic, but garages were not built for vehicles this long. It never fails I have to see-saw back and forth to get centered in the spot, even then the other cars are so close I can barely get my door open. Once I do get it in place the rear-end sticks out enough to make other cars have to drive around it, of course it might help if I were to remove my bumper hitch. Bigger, longer vehicles ride much better because of the length, tight handling is the trade-off.
  10. PM sent
  11. Beautiful little pickup, that red really sets it off.
  12. Good looking pickup, really like the roof paint detail.
  13. As popular as the 32 Ford chassis is for building hot rods I am surprised no one has begun 3D printing them. The distinctive side rails and K crossmember should be fairly simple to build. Some possible issues would be warpage and enough difference in scale between 1/24 and 1/25 to make maintaining inventory a problem. But I believe the market would sustain such an endeavor, what say you hot rod builders?
  14. Really like the direction you are going with this build. It's different, a bit quirky, and just overall a wicked drag racer.
  15. Mighty fine looking long-roof. Going to be a fun project to watch come together.
  16. Couple of very nice looking rigs. A man had to have Popeye forearms to hog one of these through those mountains depicted in the photos. Beautiful paint work.
  17. Love parts box cars, they give your creativity a good boost. Really like the looks of this one. Are you going to remove that mold-line across the front fender?
  18. First car I ever owned was a '56 Chevy 150 6X3. I paid $100 for it. Body was solid, interior looked like it had been the arena for a catfight. Another one I let get away.
  19. PM sent.
  20. But be prepared to skin your knees a couple of times.
  21. Coming back from town saw a trailered 48-50 Plymouth station wagon. Two tone paint green and gold. They were going in the opposite direction so didn't get a really good look. Found a picture from the auction:
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