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Everything posted by TarheelRick

  1. Absolutely gorgeous. Fantastically smooth paint, excellent interior color - no matter whether the exterior is blue of black. Extremely nice clean build, even the detail painted one-piece chassis.
  2. Very impressive build, especially for a two-week rush. Really like your choice of colors. I have a similar idea for a build, although not as radical as yours.
  3. Definitely prefer the single axle over the duals in the kit. Very nice build of a typical hauler. Cute little paparazzi also.
  4. Very beautiful fat-fender FORD; that is some serious blue - love it.
  5. Needs to give me that car and have the current owner hung by the thumbs. Don't know if a stint in the freezer would pop all that 'customization' loose. My only comment is "Why?".
  6. Really digging this build. You have a good eye for design elements. Only change I would make is the flat inside of the rear fenders. All the rest of the body is round and smooth and the rear fenders should be also. Can't wait to see the bondo dust start flying.
  7. I saw a picture in a 1:1 magazine of a Tognotti chassis, at least that was what the advertisement called it. Fairly simple to build, but rather limited in use; primarily hot rods and old style short track cars. I do believe it could be modified a bit to be used in other builds.
  8. Going to be a nice, believable build. With that paint job I don't know whether to take him into the wall or salute him.
  9. What are the possibilities the red one has had the lower portion of the quarter-panel replaced with an aftermarket piece, replacing a rusty panel. And the body shop doing the work pulled it out to sort of tuck in the bumper similar to the way the TV customizers do. Just my thoughts.
  10. Very nice work.
  11. Got to find me one of those MPC wagons so I can build a model of my '80 Runabout. One of my parts cars has some of the Starsky & Hutch paint scheme. Since this picture was made I have added the chrome grille and headlight buckets. It is now at the upholstery shop getting the headliner and front seats redone.
  12. I must say you are taking this build to the upper levels. Very impressive work throughout. Especially like the way you did the hood hinge, it gives me some ideas on how to do one on a custom I have in progress.
  13. I have done all three, but the final detail will be judicious sanding. Care must be taken to preserve the window frame detail and if you are extremely careful you can also preserve the cowl vent detail.
  14. Just talked with a lady concerning the Foxtoberfest scheduled for Oct 26. The model show will be inside a tent. From what I could gather vendors will be outside under their own canopy/tents, must furnish own tables and chairs, and a 10X10 spot is $200 - probably want be very many model vendors there. Also, when I asked about the model show, she said it is specifically for Fox models. I will probably run down there to check out the car corral and see if any of the 1:1 vendors can turn me on to some Pinto parts. She did say I could come to Mooresville on Friday the 25th, pay the entry fee, and set up a tent inside there to sell models. Can't do that, Friday is football night, our team is playing away, and I am driving the cheerleader bus.
  15. When you get yourself into a hole-------stop digging!
  16. Something I learned from Captain Kangaroo many, many years ago still sticks with me today: Always say please and thank you.
  17. Cruising south on I-77 this morning heading to UNC Charlotte with a bus load of high school kids on a college visit. There is one area approaching the I-40 interchange where there is a short concrete barrier, so my vision was somewhat impeded even from the seat of an activity bus. Anyway, first saw a chopped, channeled, open-wheeled Deuce coupe, patinaed, with 999 on the door, it was followed by another chopped, channeled, open wheeled coupe (29-30) painted a faded blue, they were being followed by a full-fendered, chopped 3-window 34, painted a very nice cherry red. Of course, being on a bus and them headed in the opposite direction I had no chance to get photos.
  18. That is one beautiful ride. Never really been too much into sport cars, but the E-type Jag and Triumph Spitfires really get my juices flowing.
  19. Very nice build of an almost forgotten FORD. White is hard to get right, but you seem to have mastered it, great paint job.
  20. Beautiful build, that red really sets it off very well. Really impressed with the detail of the badge work on the trunk lid.
  21. What size is the opening of the slick? Sometimes wrapping the wheels with a couple layers of tape will work, but, if the wheels fall through I don't think that will work.
  22. Can this one be called a Super-Nova? Excellent work and beautiful color choice.
  23. Doing some really nice work on this one, especially like that color. You mentioned in an above post there was nothing to keep the rear-end centered. What you need is to add a Panhard bar, that is a bar attached to one side/end of the axle housing and the other end is attached to the opposing side of the chassis. Of course, each end is attached so it can rotate, but in effect it keeps the axle in place.
  24. Can also be found here, and they have most of the kits from '64 and up. AMT 1969 Corvair #099-38159 album | DRASTIC PLASTICS MODEL CAR CLUB | Fotki.com, photo and video sharing made easy.
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