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Dann Tier

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. Absolutely stunning! Well done on a very difficult kit.
  2. Thank you, yes i do plan on it eventually.
  3. Thanks, im gonna pick away at it until its done.
  4. Thanks, Anton...very soon
  5. Decided to go with these carbs....especially with them being so exposed.
  6. Moving along very nicely! are you gonna scribe the rest of the A-pillar seams? and did you use solder for the plug wires?
  7. Thanks alot, Les! that one looks so cool!....jealous
  8. Thanks, Noel! Musta been fun driving that little bugger around. I use to be subscribed to Mini Magazine for the longest time...loved most of the custom ones...,.especially the Mystery Machine panel version i saw once.
  9. Hey everyone, this is a Countach that i started a couple years ago. Its my favorite car ever...especially white with matching wheels. Even though its my favorite, i have never been able to finish one for myself. I actually ruined 16 Fujimi kits trying. After a 20 year break from trying anymore, i'm back at it, but with this kit instead. Aoshimas kit is way better than Fujimis if you dont count the lack of a full engine/suspension, and under bonnet detail. At this point, i just want a really nice curbside build, but i'm gonna add a tone of details to it to still make the engine bay look just as real as Fujimis. -Photo 1; The kit, or should i say; two of these kits. -Photo 2; Some inspiration -Photo 3; Everything marked by sharpie needs to be cut away. I was in the process of scribing stitching lines. A ignition switch needs to be added to the steering column, which also needs the under side filled in. -Photo 4; Here are the replacement parts. I know it seems like alot of work, but to me its cleaner looking in the end, and isnt really that bad to do. -Photo 5; There are a ton of marked bits to cut away for better realism. -Photo 6; Since its a curbside, i assembled most of the chassis, and shot it up with black primer. I will paint details that end up being visible while sitting on a shelf. Brake lines will be added since they are very visible on this car. -Photo 7; It already has a great stance. Its nice not having to fix the ride height on something. I also had the wheels stripped already.
  10. Nice! The Europa is growing on me. Look forward to your projects!
  11. Thanks, Trevor. Its my favorite British car.
  12. Hello everyone. My wife told me that sometimes BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH happens when building models, but its only because its bringing things to light that needed to be addressed. This sure was the case here. As well as a white Countach, this Lotus is my nemesis. Whilst this is only my second attempt at this kit, i've wasted 16 Fujimi Countach kits. I digress...Apart from the A-pillar crack, I've noticed a few very tiny areas that needed to be filled and blended. But worse than that, i made my own door handles, then noticed that not only were they molded backwards on the kit before i shaved them off, but my dumb___ remade them backwards as well. I also need to scribe a couple more seams that need more definition. -Photo 1; Here you can see the A-pillar break. I also decided to test different shades of panel liner. Dont like any of them...still looks like a coloring book picture. At least i get to start off with primer again. -Photo 2; This is where the button/lock should be. Wonder if i'm the only one who screwed this pooch?... -Photo 3 & 4; If you plan on taking the body on-and-off like me, save yourself ALOT of potential problems, and just cut off these areas that stick out on the tub -they wont be missed. At the same time i decided to feather out flat spots in the fender wells. The whole interior assembly fits WAAAY easier now.
  13. Thanks, Trevor!...hopefully you will post yours also!?
  14. You will like these tires better...lol
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