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Everything posted by locoengr

  1. I hear ya man! We did not get the ice but we are suppose to have 14" of new snow before it quits snowing tonight. We have had very high winds all day, gusts up to 50 mph. We have a drift across the front of the garage door..... 6' high and 4' wide. Lovely?@$*%&@^^^^!! Actual temps are below zero and down to -25* by Tuesday morning, without the wind chill. Double lovely&@^##*!()#$Q)$*&!!! It started Sat night and the wind is suppose to go down by Mon am.....but all the roads are closed and probably be lucky to have 'em open by noon. But you know, it could be worse. My family is all healthy. Our neighbor and her mother both have cancer. Please pray for them! Happy Holidays everyone!!! Bruce in Fargo
  2. Is this cast from an old mold? Why would they make a new cast in 1/20 when 1/24 is alot more popular? Or am I wrong? Bruce
  3. Nice work! Any plans on redoing or is it going to stay the same?
  4. That '61 Chevy needs the ropes ALOT further back. Why would you let the general publice that close with that paint job?! Actually, they all need fence with concertina wire on top and a few stratigically placed claymores! All beautiful works of art and yes Scott, the Coke truck has the best "panachea" (sp?) of them all. Definetly not something you even see in a shelterbelt anywhere, anymore, NEVER before. Thanx for sharing!! Bruce
  5. NASCAR is being run by idiots. Look at the lock they had from the late 90's to early 00's. Their fan base was growing enormously. The merchandise sales were unreal. Then they startde raising prices trying to cut deeper into a fat hog. That started to lock out the true NASCAR fan. Then came the Toyota issue. I personally will never forgive them for that. That is also the last I watched. This deal with Revell is just one more straw on the camels back. It keeps on and "they" are too greedy to see whats going on. Now, throw in the economy and the big 3 in trouble....... It was nice knowing you old NASCAR. I had tons of fun but you went to the well once to often. Just my cents.......
  6. Give this tutorial a try.... http://www.briansmodelcars.com/tutorials/tutorial/109 Bruce in Fargo
  7. $1.52 here in Fargo today.......
  8. You said this would happen and I did not want to let you down.....
  9. Anyone know where I can get a RollsRoyce kit?
  10. Very nice way of stating what so many of us feel Frank. Thank you for starting this post and many, many thanks to all of our brave women and men serving or that have served in our military! My prayers are with you always! Bruce
  11. 233 years of taking names and kicking @$$ !! A great big thank you to all of you Marines!! Bruce
  12. It's spooky how much that cat resembles one of ours that passed away a couple of years ago. A perfect twin! He was the best, most perfect pet I have ever had too. Our three cats and two dogs (sometimes more as we do Foster Dog care) leave my stuff alone. Knock on wood!! They know who the boss is I guess. (not me...)
  13. Just wondering if any one has big plans, get together or memories from Halloween? Please share!! Whatever you do on the 31st be safe and have fun! Bruce in Fargo
  14. I'm 48....yes, that is way too young. Kids now days more than ever need their parents. God rest his soul and my prayers will definetely go out to the family. Death can be sad even when you do not know the person.
  15. All the builds posted here, to the builders, You young men have some real talent. I am impressed! Bruce in Fargo
  16. Not always true Harry. Check with your insurance agent first but you still need to add up your losses so that if (and hopefully they will catsh the @$$) that you can go after him in court. Anyway, before I got back into building, I started an extensive NASCAR die cast collection. I asked my agent if I needed a "rider" and she said no. We are covered by our regular home owners policy. Every policy is different and state laws on this all differ on this type of property. It's also at times like this that it is an unexpected wake up call that we all need to keep on top of a little better. Check your policies more often and shop around. Best of luck and I sure hope they catch the creep. Me personally, I would love to have caught him in the act as I would not have called the cops. At least not immediately.....
  17. Un friggin' real! Especially the '41, I absolutely love your skills! Take a bow young man!! Bruce in Fargo
  18. Q: Do you know what it would be if it came out 100 times "worse?" A: 100 times better than anything I'll ever build. in other words, fantastic build!! Take a bow! Bruce in Fargo
  19. Nice, nice work!! Take a bow Jody and I'd love to have you as a neighbor!!! Bruce in Fargo
  20. Your work is unbelievable! Some of your colors?paint work are great, are you shooting with nail polish? Start to finish, how much time? Please keep posting pics too. I too am not into low riders but I absolutely love your skills. You are one of the best young man, take a bow!! Bruce in Fargo
  21. The way Minnesota and the Sox played the last 2-3 weeks neither deserved to be in the playoffs. It was a given which either team backed in is going to get swept. And I consider myself a Twins fan. However, it is neat about the Chicago teams. A series between the two would be great. What's nicest is the Yankees are not in it. The team that has wrecked baseball, IMHO, by constantly trying to buy a penant instead of building a team through the farm club. The next saddest thing is other teams are doing the same now. The future is here and now and hardly any team wants to wait. They all want it now. Oh well.... Go Phillies as they have our home town boy on the roster, the 33 y.o. rookie Chris Coste. And good luck to all the teams!!
  22. Great answers to these questions. Just curious when a buyer puts up the cash, etc, for their order.....can they specify certain kits or do they get what the sller decides to send them? T.I.A. Bruce in Fargo
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