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Everything posted by michael1969

  1. Maybe the guy who wrecked could used that seagull?
  2. My latest was the Bronco m1114 up-armored Humvee. Tons of detail in the box. One more in the "I drove one" military vehicle series.
  3. Another beautiful classic. I really like watching your builds Harry. Your choice of builds always deliver.
  4. Really nice dio Dave! My favorite part is the air between the rear wheels, only thing missing is the splattering mud.
  5. I applaud your perseverance.I would have shelved this more times than I would want to count. You work is spectacular. Can't wait to see it finished
  6. All very different, that being said, I am drawn to the car with the four Allison engines. I don't know why.
  7. All are great! I agree with Walt, the Mini is my favorite.
  8. A need that i think missing, a rolling tool cabinet(like a snap-on tool box). I have a plan for a garage that I can admit will never look this good. Only way for that to happen is for you to build it for me. Your work is amazing.
  9. That is perfect, take her to fight some wildfires. Very nice rig.
  10. Excellent truck you have there, it's just beautiful.
  11. Nice truck. Nice and tasty. Ya should call her "Lemon Drop". I really like it.
  12. Gorgeous truck. Beautiful. Is the bed a decal or what...It looks great?
  13. Great show guys. Thank you for the invite. Had a great time.
  14. Great job. Always loved those old classic cars.
  15. Great build, and kudos for family involvement. I'm still working on the motivation to do a purple, blue and I think it's green mustang. (Daughter's choice of colors).
  16. Here's mine in yellow. The full detail version. Wish i had them aircraft skills. Yours is gorgeous by the way.
  17. Very aggressive looking. Awesome and beautiful build.
  18. Like it alot. Looks great. One question...is the tilt(camber) on the front how the model builds or did you add it to get the stance? I'm not nit picking, just looking for a heads up for the one I have. I hope mine turns out as nice as yours.
  19. I love the covers I had on my 70 cougar. Mine was similar to this.
  20. I love the look of all of these. Something about a car you have to look up to be able to identify. I have a few Minicraft and the Lifelike series. Might just have to wait longer on those til my skills set gets better. Yours are just beautiful.
  21. The loco in Omaha, Ne can be seen on I-80 westbound from Iowa. It is displayed in the botanical gardens there. One should look for the coverage of when they moved it from the museum on 10th st over to I-80. It was big news back then. Sorry about the history lesson, Omaha native here.
  22. I love the detail. It is one of those models a builder would be crazy to put a skin on. That being said, my PE for the Cadillac is staying in the box for now. Your zero is a masterpiece,sir.
  23. Might be pricey, but here is my suggestion. Figure the scale of the car to the model for digital pictures. In other words, how far from the car should you take the pictures. Get all views of the car. Then, in your computer, open them and print on paper to fine tune to the model. When they look to fit, print them on decal paper. For compound shapes you may need multiple decals (for pie crusting or compounding). Apply the decals as close as you can to the real car.
  24. In Nebraska, we have had a lot of ladybugs. The bad thing is, they aren't Ladybugs at all. They look the same but they are Asian soldier beetles. These buggers (no pun intended) do bite. A year or two ago we had a huge swarm of them. I can still get some dead ones when I vacuum in the attic.They get in anywhere. We have have also had a scourge of Box Elder bugs. At least they don't bite.
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