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Everything posted by MoparMarc

  1. WOOOOOOOOW!!!! What a great dio so far! And some of the models you have been putting in for pics has really got my attention to like the A100 and the Dodge Thunder Truck as well as the Duster, hope to see more of those soon.
  2. Cool dios, the weathering is top-notch. Looks like KITT needs a bunch of TLC, starting with the guidance system LOL.
  3. Welcome back to the hobby and what an entrance!! The Peterbilt is very nice, what color did you use on the body?
  4. Very nice build and welcome to Model Cars!!
  5. Heck of a nice start there. As for colors, how about using a grey or aluminum, kind of like mine but use a lighter grey since your blue is a darker shade.
  6. Looking good, nice color choice.
  7. Coming along nicely Floyd.
  8. That body is looking good, you sure can't tell you are having problems with the decals.
  9. That is one sick looking Challenger!!!!! Love the stripe down the body........how did you do it?
  10. Nice build. My wife loves these show rods and if she sees this one it will end up on my work bench LOL.
  11. Nice build. I have seen several of these built from a brand new one to a few that had been used and abused. I can see what you mean about all of the BMF, looks like enough to drive somebody nuts LOL
  12. Great build Kenny, I love the color.
  13. Awesome build, love the details right down to the burnt look on the exhaust.
  14. Very cool build. I like the white at the bottom of the car, it really sets it off.
  15. That is a great build Dave, and your engine detailing is outstanding.
  16. The Coronet.................er I mean Charger looks great, the color looks great on it and nice job on the rims.
  17. The paint came out great, nice job.
  18. I know I'll be watching this one. I may be a muscle car nut but I still love a good exotic car myself.
  19. Bobby, nice job on the details on the suspension and brake parts, lookin good.
  20. Nice work detailing the interior and chassis, they both look great.
  21. Welcome to the forum. As for the super detailed models at the contest don't let that stop you. I've seen models built that I will never be able to compete with so I don't (or at least try not to), just build for the fun of it. I still like to go to the model contests myself but I go to meet fellow modlers not win contests. I always go with the thought that I won't and don't plan on winning anything so on those occasions I do win something its just icing on the cake.
  22. Welcome to the forum.
  23. Welcome to the forum, nice Camaros to.
  24. Nice haul Bobby. Is the RX-7 an Aoshima kit?
  25. I think this is about as close as you are going to get without major reconstructive surgery with the Raminator monster truck or using diecast.
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