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Everything posted by iamsuperdan

  1. My new work ride. This one will live with me for the next year or so. Or until someone buys it, then I get to build a new one for myself. 2022 F350 Lariat with our AT44 package. Those tires are 44" diameter, and 19.5" wide. The wheels are our new 3-piece aluminum, 17" x 15".
  2. Would just like to say that I have a dashcam, but I an NOT a cammer. Rules for being a cammer: 1. Horn before brakes, steering inputs, or any other reaction. 2. do not under any circumstance try to make life easier for another driver. Ever. 3. after any sort of infraction or incident, mash the throttle like you're drag racing. 4. Repeatedly yell that you "have a dashcam." 5. When using the horn, either use it for a minimum of 20 seconds, or start using the horn well after the incident. 6. when tailgating, remember that the camera makes it look like you are further away than you really are. 7. When being followed, remember that the camera makes the vehicle behind you look closer than it really is. 8. When submitting your video to any of the YouTube cam channels, make sure your spelling is incorrect.
  3. I think so? I remember it had a set of spokes that went over the wheel, but dad removed those pretty quick, and I don't remember them ever going back on the car.
  4. Spring 1976 - me and our old AMC Matador Our old 1967 Mercury Comet Cyclone This was the 1968 Plymouth Fury III that was supposed to be my first car. It was like Christine. We bought it, and dad was haphazardly fixing it up. Dented front fender first, then the front grille, then some side trim, then finally the rusty quarter panels. Then I turned 16, and my parents figured a convertible with a weak heater was not the best first car for a new driver. Darn them for being right. Summer 1988. Trip to England. Me and a Porsche. Again.
  5. I use a Thinkware F200 in all of our vehicles. Has a rear camera and a GPS module too. Super easy to use. Once wired up and running, it's basically one button. A sudden jolt or bump (as in an accident) will get it to save the previous 30 seconds of video and data. Or just push the button on the side. Info goes to the Thinkware app, which can then be downloaded or emailed. No need to remove a memory card and transfer files or anything. Video quality is at least 1080p. Have used this model for a couple of years now, with no issues. Readily available on Amazon, and not a budget breaker either. Of course, since installing them, I haven't really had anything worthy of recording or sharing. I guess that's a good thing!
  6. Fronts the New York Dolls. Has extensive career as Buster Poindexter. Lengthy acting career. I remember him as the cabbie in Scrooged. Still not very well known.
  7. 1976-ish with our Torino. First pic in our driveway. Second pic is me with the Torino after it was rear ended. That was the end of this car. And here I am in 1978, with our old Volvo. We're getting ready to move from Toronto-area out to Alberta. Me and a police car. 1981. Me and some Porsches. England, 1987-ish.
  8. That turned out really nice. Will have to investigate his designs.
  9. Body printed. Needs sanding and cleanup. Having a lot of print failures though on other parts. Need to sort that out.
  10. I love the interior. But would be more of a fan if the exterior could be built stock. But I guess that's part of the appeal of this one.
  11. Saw this last night on the news. What's weird is that we had literally just finished watching an episode of Disaster Deconstructed on National Geographic, and it feature the 1982 crash of an Air Florida jet into the Potomac, right near Reagan Intl Airport.
  12. Sounds to me like a US rep issue, not a Ray issue. I've only ever dealt direct.
  13. The Mercedes 500 is coming back? Excellent.
  14. Just once, could someone please discuss the DeLorean without mentioning the movie? Seriously.
  15. Well, these are over 30 years old now, so I'd say they can qualify as classics! The GM "OBS" body trucks have been my fav body style truck since I first saw them, and still are to this day. Now, if you going to nitpick and say a classic has to be older than me, then it would have to be the 5th gen Ford F-Series.
  16. I'm a big fan of the Elegoo water washable. Seems to work just fine for printing parts and bodies. And there's less cleanup, because there's no messing around with IPA.
  17. Body is about half done it's 19 hour print. And I have chosen the engine for this one. Will be period correct, and a little different. Need to find appropriate wheels now.
  18. Except that Motortrend TV no longer exists. It was shut down and absorbed into Discovery TV, which doesn't carry all of the racing that MT used to carry. And even MT stopped carrying race series for the ones I wanted to watch. DTM and BTCC. Hence why I cancelled my sub.
  19. I'm the same way with the old ESCI Ford Transit kit. And I can't even explain why. I mean, it's a crappy kit of a mid-80s Ford van. But I love them. I have a pile of them now, and am always looking for more. And the nice thing, now that Italeri has reissued it, the pricing on the originals doesn't get as ridiculous. Can find them for pretty reasonable prices now.
  20. I'm not sure I'd even paint that. Prep it, clearcoat it, done. Looks awesome as it is.
  21. I love these big old boats. I learned to drive in a 1978 Plymouth Fury Sport Suburban. I would do many illegal or immoral things to get that car back. At the same time, we also had a 1977 Plymouth Fury sedan. And for some reason, a third Fury. A 1968 Fury III convertible. It was like Christine. Slow restoration. New grille here, new fender there, rear rust repair. All done over time. This was supposed to be my first car, but then I turned 16 and my dad decided that a convertible in Alberta would be a poor choice for a year-round driver. I haven't scanned in any pics, but my first car was a 1978 Thunderbird with the 400 V8. My wife disagrees, but I think an old 70s land yacht would look great in the driveway.
  22. Aww, my name isn't there. 🫤
  23. Will look into this for you. Nothing I can see in the Admin site looks amiss. You are definitely not banned!
  24. That's what they've been doing though. Repopping kits from the 70s and 80s, ignoring anything even remotely modern. Although the old truck kits sell, the manufacturers are alienating a large part of the market. I know I haven't bought a new truck kit in literally years. And the most recent kit I bought was an Italeri issue of a new truck. I know Moebius released a couple of newer kits...about 10 years ago. So those aren't even new anymore. And honestly, I can't see myself buying yet another reissue of an old Kenworth or Peterbilt. Oh look, same old kit from the 70s, new decals. Yawn. Even when a newly tooled kit comes out, it's just a re-tool of a very old kit. Admitted, that International cabover was an excellent kit, but I'd be more excited if it was a subject matter that wasn't already on the road when I was born.
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