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About junkyardjeff

  • Birthday 03/03/1961

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  • Full Name
    Jeff Ogden

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    Jeff Ogden

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MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. I would like to get four more sets of the original 40 pickup stock rims and caps and took me a few years to get the three sets I have came up with so far. Does anyone know if anything close is made in resin,I really do not want to buy four 40 standard kits to get them. Now if the 40 standard kits had a hopped up flathead I might as I could use a few of those engines too,I have four Monogram 34 Ford kits I want to build into pre 1955 hotrods
  2. The project will be back on,I have a 70s version on the way.
  3. Thanks for all the info,the deal on the 60s 36 did not happen but got some 70s version for parts and might have enough to build one but its been pushed back for now but will keep watch for a hopped up flathead for when it happens.
  4. Thrift store find that I finally got to,used a 340 six pack from the Demon kit since this one had the wrong engine. From what I have been told this one came with a slant six or a hemi.
  5. Those Revell chassis's are a bit more detailed then what AMT provided and looks good under that sedan,I think I have a couple of those Columbia's somewhere and was wanting to put one on a AMT.
  6. I have a 60s AMT 36 Ford kit on the way and going to build it as a early 50s hotrod so it must have a hopped up flathead,I am looking for a 40 to 48 version but all I have came across were stock so is there a kit that has that era with speed equipment.
  7. Picked up stock bumpers and grille and will keep the custom parts if someone in the future would like to put it back to custom.
  8. I do not think it will survive being removed as its glued in real good but I have a partial unused frame.
  9. I think I have a complete built one.
  10. Are you still looking for one.
  11. I will consider that and to be honest I really do not care much for Camaros so I can just get another kit and built it. This one fell in my lap and would prefer a stock looing one over the custom version.
  12. After adding up all the parts I need on eBay it's going to be cheaper to buy a complete kit to get all the parts I need,I did notice about the interior is that the 68 have headrests where the 67 has none so I am going to get a 67 kit.
  13. I found some 68 parts and will get them,will take a close look at mine when I get back home to see if they might work. It shows a stock version on the box.
  14. Are the newer versions based of the original,I did find some parts but would I have to do some modifications to make the parts work.
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