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Dave Darby

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Everything posted by Dave Darby

  1. I had one when I was younger that was built by a teen. It came out just fine. Having watched that build video, and and knowing the craftsmanship level of the builder, I'm calling builder error. There is a thing called test fitting parts and assemblies. Putting things together in the proper order. (Like fitting the doors and hinges to the body when you install the retainers.) I've seen other builds by him that were similarly messed up (25 T chopped coupe [REALLY BAD job], and Streaker Vette as examples). He's a nice guy, and I hate to denigrate other builders, but it is what it is. Is this kit a walk in the park, shake the box and you have a masterpiece? No. But it isn't unbuildable either. I'm going to pick one up first opportunity I get, and build one for myself. I'll keep you posted.
  2. No hemi. 5 spoke mag wheels, tires and headers were unique to this issue.
  3. Yep, it was part of the Elegance Series. All were molded in color, had tinted glass, and special parts. Among them were the 34 Pickup, 32 Vicky, 57 Chevy "Lemon Peeler", the 57 T Bird "Wonder Bird", and I know I'm leaving a few out.
  4. The AMT 34 Ford PU never had Mustang wheels, but the second issue did have 64 Corvette wheel covers. Perhaps that is what you are thinking of.
  5. From Sunward Hobbies out of Toronto, posted on Facebook. Anybody know anything?
  6. Iamsuperdan is correct when he says members of the staff are going through health issues. Besides Gregg's back injury related issues, I went through an 8 month battle with head and neck cancer. We had to put everything we own in storage while we temporarily relocated from South Carolina to Illinois so we'd have familial support during my cancer treatment. We are back in SC now, but have not been able to get into a long term place of residence yet. In addition, during the trip back, the screen on my laptop was damaged, which will require replacement to operational again. Model Cars Magazine is a small operation, and life happens. Your patience and understanding will be appreciated. If you want to help me get up and running again sooner, I do have a GoFundMe page. Dave Darby Cancer Fundraiser
  7. You could do that, too. It's nice to have options.
  8. Actually, I think it was Bob Paeth's Rambler.
  9. There's no real debate. The Monogram Nomad has cartoonish proportions, with a too high roof and extra long front wheel openings. If you can make it through the more challenging build effort of the ex Revell kit, you'll have a much better looking Nomad. I recommend bashing in the headlights and grille/front bumper assembly from the AMT kit to look even better.
  10. That was my impression as well, so I was a little surprised when I was told, quote: "Hi Dave, The original 58 Edsel tooling is long gone, we don't have any of it. So, there's nothing to test or check." There have been quite a few tools that disappeared between Ertl and Round 2, including the SnapFast Plus 66 Fairlane (with its more accurate windshield and back window than the glue kit) and others. So I'm not altogether shocked. Like the others have said, I don't see that one getting cloned, which is sad, because I think the new tool Edsel has very poor proportions. The front bumpers are too fat, the rocker panels are too high (skinny body), and the engine and rear axle are under scale. Shame, because it could have been a great kit, like the 57 300C. Detail-wise, it's great. It's not near as bad as the new tool Ala Kart, but once you see the issues, it's hard to un-see them.
  11. Speaking with my source at Round 2, the 58 Edsel tool is long gone. I'd love to see them repop it, as the new tool kit has a lot of proportion issues, but I don't see that happening. .
  12. The 29 Model A has larger diameter wheels, with smaller hubcaps than the 30-31. The 29 pickup kit had its own proper wheels, which potentially could still be the tool.
  13. The original issue Monogram 40 Ford Pickup had stock wheels and engine parts. The Revell 29 Model A PU originally also had stock wheels, but like the 40, no reissue has had them. Otherwise, all the stock Model A parts are present, including the interior.
  14. I looked it up, and it appears to be a 64. The 63 Ford is a unibody (one piece cab and bed). The 64 has a separate bed. Moebius 65-66 trucks will be closer, body style wise.
  15. Looks great, and love the stance!
  16. My guess is it'll be same content as usual, with the addition of the bike. Those mags were tooled to fit those tires.
  17. Unfortunately, the box bottom shows a pretty abbreviated chrome tree.
  18. And here I was just happy to see the 29 A pickup back! Lol.
  19. Beautiful build! Tastefully done. The only thing I'd change is the zip code of the display case!
  20. Very cool truck. Deserving of a bump! It's got my favorite front tires on it, too!
  21. Looks like a Python on the bottom. I've never seen a built one before. Looks even better than the box art.
  22. Modelers in the social media age (of all genres) have become uncapable of not screaming from the roof tops about things they're not going to buy. I don't understand it either. But this is a monthly thing here and is really Pre-K/Day Care level of griping compared to the commentary Round2 gets on YouTube and Facebook when they post these updates. You should have seen the whine-fest that opened when I shared Atlantis' photos of the opened up Revell "60" really a 59 Corvette tool. People crying "don't reissue that, it's the WORST kit ever!" It's actually a very good kit. Oh, here's the photos.
  23. The merger with Racing Champions not so much. It almost ended AMT/MPC.
  24. The wheel wells are logged out for the Pro Stock version. I wouldn't hold my breath. Unless they tool another body. I'd like to see it, too.
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