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Everything posted by Ulbo

  1. Great builds and especially your paint job is briliant. I do also appretiate your choice of wheels and tires and stance is perfect in all your models. Could you please uncover for me your secret of your front lights? They look amazing!!! What you use to get that real look?
  2. Hi folks, thanks for your reactions. Concerning to your questions I enclose some pics from building proces and the tires are regular box stock tires from Revell only sanded and I use decals from http://www.indycals.net/. Distributor wiring are standard cables from Detail Master and the boots I have scratchbuilt from wire isolation. And yes there is a shift pattern but not as good as it should be... Regarding Rasto
  3. Ulbo

    Ford 34 Speedster

    Thanks folks
  4. Hi everybody, I know these kits are very popular and I tried to create it a little bit more detailed so I add some more pipes, wires... and so on... I did not use LeMans stripes by reason, because in sixties most of Shelbys were without them when they left the factory and it was more installed as a dealer option and to be honest I like it more without them. Colors are Gunze and Zero Paints with Gunze clear.
  5. Hi Guys, this is one of my first creations and it used to be Snap Tite by Revell and I chopped the roof created exhaust from ALU tubes and the collors are Gunze and Zero Paints.
  6. Hi everyone, I´m here new one and only two years trying to create some scale car models and I´m from Europe - Slovakia. I hope to be able show some of my models and hope to get some good advises from you. Wish you all the best and lot of satisfying creations in your model work!!!
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