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    Eric James Loveless

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  1. So far so good. But my air gun is spraying splotchy and can't move forward until I fix that.
  2. Hey guys, just got my new Paasche airbrush in last night. It is double action. Tricky to get use to. So let me ask what the best set up is. Size of needle? Size of tip? I can tell how to determine the needle size by the notches at the end, but how do you determine the size of the tip? Is it labeled somewhere? I am shooting acrylic paint and it was spitting and splatting. From what I could tell it was b/c I need to thin the paint with water. Is there a certain ratio that works best? Any methods you guys know that thins it best for the airbrush? I am using around 22 psi with the tip that came standard on it. The needle is size 3 currently. Thanks guys!
  3. Thanks Steve!
  4. Close enough for me. I know it's a little more baby blue but I will black wash it, or whatever that's called. So what color should I paint those parts that I left primered? Is that the oil filter and stuff?
  5. Thanks guys. I will try that tonight or tomorrow.
  6. Thanks Russ, I will try that. I was mixing very little b/c I didn't need much to paint the motor. I guess I need to get a bigger mix going and use something bigger to mix. I will just save the color in a jar for use later!
  7. Hey guys. I am looking to mix colors to brush my motor with. Maybe for even airbrushing as well. Anyways I tried mixing for a light blue like the color of this motor. When I would go to brush sometimes I would get white, sometimes light blue, just not a constant blue color. Is there a trick to this? I mixed white and blue with a toothpick. The color looked good on the tray, but again when I went to paint I got more white than anything. Need help please.
  8. thanks for the tip ray
  9. Where can you order that from?
  10. NICE! What is BMF?
  11. Hey guys, just have a quick question. I am painting the interior tub of my car. I want a white interior with purple accent. Some of the lines are curved and hard to tape off. Any tips with that? Or would you just paint all white then come back in with the purple on the lines you want purple? Is it okay to go right back over the paint if allowed to dry? Thanks guys!
  12. not today. Hope tomorrow.
  13. thanks John. Any alternative if I go another route for clear coat after paint?
  14. Here is the mock up so far. This is the first time (BC I am still learning) I took the time to dry fit, prime, and dry fit again. All going together. My new Paasche VL dual action airbrush and compressor are coming in tomorrow!!!! Can't wait. Now I am using acrylic paint, can I still go over the body with enemal lacquer or is that a no no?
  15. I have learned a lot going into this build. Actually taping up before gluing. Gluing parts before painting when I can. Here is one night of work. Can't wait. My brother in law what's a purple and white TCU car for his office desk. Let the fun begin.
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