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    spike mullins

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  1. Brock's last run http://www.autonews.com/article/20161006/RETAIL03/161009898/brock-yates-car-and-driver-editor-and-cannonball-run-founder-dies-at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brock_Yates
  2. maybe too late with the interior installed vs risk on this one, but how about a wood color paint around the perimeter of the cut out? real tin isn't as thick as scale plastic, so it might not look completely out of place.
  3. http://scaledworld.net/page/2
  4. maybe the Disabled Modelers Group could auction off any kits and supplies which they won't be using and send the proceeds?
  5. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/ http://fordbarn.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=6b4cd3eeae3c66fef495503db41948cb&f=4
  6. http://www.bigdonkeyresin.com/big_donkey_web_site_030.htm part SP-1 might work. Roy Royston used to cast one but he passed away. can't reember the name of his forum, but either pm dr. kerry or look around here http://fredsresinworkshop.com/forum/ and you might hit it.
  7. my word, man. what did your parents do to you?
  8. http://scaledworld.net/free-downloads see SA #38 p 20
  9. see how easy it is to have somebody else do the heavy lifting?
  10. i think most CA type glues are anaerobic
  11. do you have any idea what you just exposed?
  12. michael, michael, michael .... i understand how upset you can get over these things. maybe some cucumber water and a little quiet time would make you feel better.
  13. i should have posted a source. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_September_11_attacks https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War i understand the numbers are battered about, and that american lives are more important that any other nationality.
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