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Dave D

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Everything posted by Dave D

  1. Thanks everyone for the kind remarks. I just finished these builds a few weeks ago. I posted pics of these last week-end Tim, for the first time on this message board, the old Hobby Heaven message board, the Scale Auto board, and the Model Car Mafia board. That is probably where you saw them...
  2. First class build there !
  3. Now there is something you don't see every day. That is neat !
  4. Hey Tim, they ALL look great ! Right up my alley for sure....
  5. Welcome... couple of real nice looking cars there.
  6. Great looking builds Tim ! Those were the days.......
  7. That's it baby...... Real nice Walter ! Been waitn' on that one.
  8. Actually, Altered States is still in business, and turning out some excellent stuff. Here is a link to the FED page... http://www.alteredstatesmodels.com/front_e...e_dragsters.htm
  9. Thanks for the kind words Gents... Much appreciated !
  10. Fred... that is a simply wicked build ! I'd like to see more of the detail on that. I have seen pics of your Landy Dart Sport also, and I have to tell you, these are 2 of the finest model cars I have ever seen. Awesome !!!!
  11. Some of you may have seen this on the other board about a year ago. I have since completed 4 more, but I haven't taken pics yet. I will do so soon... I am waiting to post those pics until the 3rd Annual Hobby Heaven Drag Racing Posting weekend, which is scheduled for November 2-4 2007 to coincide with the NHRA World Finals in Pomona. I will post them here also.
  12. That's a really nice job Walt. Looks absolutely period correct. By the way, how is that '66 AWB 'cuda of yours coming along ?
  13. Len... If the Ram graphic is the main thing your looking for, you'll need to get Fred Cady decal sheet # 262. It has the ram on it, either in white or gold, and then there is a black outlined overlay. I think it would be perfect for your use. You can obtain this decal sheet at... http://www.smhracing.com/ He currently list it for $ 9.75. You need to click on catalog on the right, then click on decals & resins, then scroll down and click on Fred Cady. Look for # 262, it's there.
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