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  • Full Name
    Chris Plum

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  1. No im just another builder there are some guys out there that build to a level I will never get to! But thanks. I like the AWB cars from back im the day for sure...
  2. I sold it. Just another regret.
  3. The harness is a SMBC item. I no longer own the company but I think they still carry them.
  4. Nice work on that one!
  5. We made the decals on an ALPs printer
  6. I got this kit as a glue bomb on Ebay, tore it apart and rebuilt it. It was kinda tough but I really wanted to do it. The tires might be a little big in the back but its ok.
  7. That is candy blue over silver base
  8. Yes sir, they came from Slixx.
  9. This kit is super nice and I have built many of these. This was one of my favs and wish I had kept it.
  10. Thanks im not sure about the placment of the tank to be honest.
  11. I like this car, and since I cant get one in 1:1 scale I built this one! Nice kit, used the Testors lacquer paint on it.
  12. Had a lot of fun with this one. I saw the car in a drag magazine and wanted to do it. The paint was tricky but the rest went together good with some scratch building and part box stuff.
  13. Super nice work. You nailed the look perfect
  14. Thats super nice. I want to do one. Did you have to paint the back before using the decal for the stripe?
  15. Yes I messed them up
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