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Everything posted by PierreR89

  1. Got these 2 jeep j10 kits. One is going to be box stock and the other is going to be a racetruck inspired by my sons hot wheel jeep j10. The snowmobile i think I am going to let him build in a few years from now.
  2. This irks me right now when I was on my way home from work and to pick up my son from his daycare The road out from my work is so badly plowed so there are only deep tiretracks that the car gets stuck in and in one of those deep tracks a piece of ice must have had just the right height to hit the valve in the tire, pushing it in and destroying it... now I have a spare but apparently last time i let someone borrow my car they helped them selves to the jack so there is nothing i can do by my self right now.... I have help on the way with a jack, summertire and tools so I can change it...
  3. Got these 2. The Scania i thought of building it out of the box but as I left the shop i bought it from a real one passed by that had dual rear axles so I am going to add one axle to it so it is more like a scandinavian truck. The western star is probably going to end up donating its chassie and driveline to end up as a Dodge Bighorn, I already have the non Coca-Cola version of the Western star in my stash
  4. Got these 3 Mack DM800 to use for some transkits i have. 1 is going to be a Mack B81 V8, 1 is going to be a Brockway 351 and the last will be a "flintstone" Mack (dm800 without offset cab) Also found out that the DM800 kit is no longer in production so for those that have been thinking about buying one, now is the time to do it.
  5. Saw this on facebook: Hello folks. My name is Matthew Arnold and I'm the new caretaker of AITM. I purchased the assets from the Natale family late last year. I'm currently working on remodelling a two car garage to facilitate casting, packing and shipping the large range of parts and kits. The goal is to be able offer the same rapid service we came to expect from the business. We hope to be operational some time in Q1 of 2025. Looking forward to working with all of you! Best regards, Matt
  6. Got a Mack valueliner 6cylinder conversion kit, already have the v8 valueliner conversion from auslowe so now i can build both verisons of the valueliner. The difference i can see in them is that the v8 has a sloping hood and complete wheelarches as the 6cyl version has a more straight hood a bit shorter and seperate wheelarches for the right side where the aircleaner are, the 6cylinder conversion also comes with 2 different sunvisors.
  7. Got some much needed work done to the farm this week. First replaced broken rooftiles on the barn, i thougt it was only about 10 that was bad but it ended up with me replacing about 80 tiles.. took me a whole day.. Got the extension we had bulit 2 years ago painted so now the exterior is not only primer. Fixed the exterior vents for the bathrooms so now it is not just a ugly hole in the wall were the fans vent to the outside. Removed the old unused tv antenna, those things are heavier then they look apparently.. almost dropped it from the skylift when I loosened the bolts holding it. Put up snow protection railing on the building where the furnace is in since we walk almost directly under that roof every day all year long and sometimes have to jump out of the way of the snow that comes crashing down. Cut down an old appletree that was about to die and removed some rosehip bushes that was everywhere, yes i got stund by their thorns so many times i lost count. Now I just need to get out the digger and remove the stumps that are left I have no idea how i managed all that work in only 3 days and at the same time having to work at my job and watch my son.
  8. Found the pic's of my order on my phone, here they are. It was hard to get good pictures of the parts with them being white and bad lighting in the room i was in then.
  9. I have ordered from them. The quality is good from the castings on the Mack b81 and brockway 361 i bought the diamondplating on the bumpers are nice, logos and emblems are nice to and easy to paint them so they stand out. Only thing i think looks a bit off is that I feel the aircleaners are a bit to small. I have posted pic's of what I ordered somewhere on this site but dont remember where right now.
  10. Thanks. I am going to try and if that does not work i will scan them and send them to someone who can print them out for me.
  11. Thanks the 0402 sounds like it is the size i need and prewired also sounds good. Will check out evans design to and see if they ship worldwide.
  12. What size led lights is good for using if I want to add working lights to a build? I was thinking that I want working headligts, sidemarkers, rear lights and maybe reverse/worklights for it. Maybee even going for interior and get the dash to light up. Where is a good place to buy what I need from?
  13. I have some decalsets i cant get anymore and want to make copies of them before i use them. Can i use a normal printer and put decalpaper in it and make copies that way? I know the colors could come out a little off compared to the original but will it work?
  14. Got this plane today. Not many parts but they are huge. The fusilage is almost exactly the length of the box.
  15. Decided to count how many fenceposts my fence have since it has been bad since we moved here. Since this is a homebuilt fence i cant buy the style it is and i have to make it myself. Found out that if i make 600 posts i will have 5 spares to fix the existing fence.... As a bonus we are expanding it and adding more fence sections and are going to have the same style so in total i will have to make 3000 identical posts... atleast i know what i am going to do during my vacation....
  16. Revell T600 Aerodyne. Absolutley nothing fit as it was supposed to even the instructions were wrong in my kit. I think I have posted it here in the wip or under glass or both describing how it fought me all the way... it was so bad that the amt t600 everyone said was a pain to build felt like a italeri kit where everything just goes toghether without major problems..
  17. My left shoulder that I had surgery on 6 years ago is starting to act up again with constant pain and limited movement...
  18. I have noticed for a few days that the right front wheel have been warmer then the rest on my volvo v50. So I decided to find out why and thats when the irks started.... First the jack sunk in the the ground while trying to jack up the car.. once that was dealt with by using a piece of wood under it as support i removed the wheel and found out why almost instantly. The dustseal from the piston was gone and piston had alot of rust and complelty stuck, also noticed marks from a plier on the surface of the piston that did not have any rust on it. Then came trying to find a new caliper and found out every wheel exept right front was in stock... so I ordered one and are waiting for it to show up. When putting it back toghether i found out that the previous owner had destroyed the threads for one of the sliding pins for the caliper... So I had to find a temporary solution for that problem and stripped a piece of wire to wind the copper around the threads of the pin and then force it in the caliper carrier... So I have to find a new caliper carrier also. I thought since I live in the land of volvo that would be easy as you can basiacally kick a random bush and a part for a volvo will fall out from it. Nope how wrong i was... everything but the carrier are you able to buy... not even junkyars had them in stock.. after being almost everywhere on the internet i finally found one but it comes with a caliper. So I will end up with 2 right front calipers for a volvo v50 when I get them.. As a final irk one of the headlight bulbs gave up and service required light came on and at almost 300 000kms its time for the timingbelt and all other "not fun and not very cheap" parts to be replaced... Next irk: Now when it is warmer out people are bugging me to fix their ac to (in sweden you have to be certified to be allowed to work on ac systems) and people somehow found out that i am certified for that.. T⁸hen they get mad when I say i dont have time or the equippment for that at home. I dont want the tools for ac work at home for exactly this reason..
  19. Okay thanks for that info. I have built both the dm600 and dm800 but never noticed that untill you said it and i looked at them. The only thing that looks off with my b81 cab is that I think the aircleaners looks to small but that is an easy fix as i probably have some spares in a box somewhere.
  20. Looks nice, but werent his cabs in 1/25 scale? Mine is 1/24. Maybee i am overthinking this since it is only me that are going to know when someone else looks at it when it is done.
  21. I have a Mack b81 cab conversion and was thinking of using a Mack dm800 chassie for it. But i noticed that i accidently ordered the b81 in 1/24 scale and not 1/25.. Will it look to big on a dm800 chassie since that are in 1/25 scale? Or they are so close that it wont be a problem? Also will the v8 from the dm800 be the correct one for a b81 or they used another v8? The b81 i got is the one with the radiator and grille for the v8 engine.
  22. This engine and transmission is now avaliable to buy at a&n modeltrucks. Just ordered one.
  23. Got 2 C15 engines today, one i have planed to use in a truck that i am going to build someday and are slowly gathering parts for. The other will be added to my collection of truck engines. My goal is to have one of each that came in different truckkits and are offererd in the aftermarket.
  24. Now that you say it i have heard it before but apparently forgot that I found a new unopened i tried yesterday and it worked better but still not as i remembered it should have worked. Guess i need to throw out the remaining unopend tubes that are almost 2 years old.. buying new is useless for me now that I dont know when I will have time to build again
  25. Got these truck cabs today from global scale modeltrucks. A Mack b81 with the cummins/v8 grille and a Brockway 361 since i waited to long to order from aitm. I think the quality of the printing is good and there is not much cleaning to do on them. They also have the diamondplating on the bumpers and step on the hood(brockway)The Mack has a hood that can open and the Brockway needs some modifying to get the hood to open like the real trucks, i belive aitm also had to be modified to open.
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