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About resinslinger

  • Birthday 06/03/1954

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  • Scale I Build

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  1. Just wanted to let everyone know that we, TOP END MINIATURES, will be back in production by the end of next week. It will be a slow return but we are coming back. Web address is www.freewebs.com/resinslinger. Thanks, Chris and Wayne
  2. I am simply amazed at the level of craftsmanship of this build. Even though it is 1/8th scale, it is truly a work of art. Simply amazing and I can't wait to see the finished model. One question though. Are the body panels going to be aluminum or carbon fiber? Chris.
  3. I recently read some news that some of you might find interesting. One of the legends of drag racing is returning to the sport and will be driving an A.D.R.L. Pro/Extreme car. The car will be a 2009 Cadillac CTS powered by a fuel injected HEMI (running on 95% nitro) with a direct drive tranny. The car is being built as I write this but it should be one wild ride. Looks like Wayne and I have to do a 1:25th scale CTS once we have the photos of the car. Oh yeah, the name of the drag-racing legend is none other than Gene Snow. What you want to bet it will be either metal-flake green or red with Rambunctious in gold lettering? Chris.
  4. I haven't gotten around to designing the centrifugal casting machine because I got too busy filling orders (this is not a bad thing). Not to mention that my family and I are moving tomorrow to my mother's home in Weaverville, NC. She is 96, blind, and basically confined to a wheelchair. I still plan to design and build the machine described in this thread but it is going to be at least another month or so before I can do so. I have to make some significant modifications to my mother's garage and get the shop set up again. I will be sure to send plans to each of you that want them. BTW....I have seen RotoCasting and I personally don't like it. You still have to pour the resin (or whatever) into the mold and I don't think that you can get rid of the air-bubbles as easily as you can with pressure and centrifugal casting. Chris.
  5. Charlotte here and home of TOP END MINIATURES. Moving to a small town NW of Asheville in a month or so. Chris.
  6. Probably one of the worst, if not the worst, drag racing crashes I have ever seen. God speed Scott. Rest In Peace.
  7. The web address for TEM is www.freewebs.com/resinslinger/ Len, is everything okay? I'm going to take the present '55 Chevy out of production fairly soon and start working on a very radical design to replace it. Same goes for the '53 Vette. I am also going to do a kit fairly soon that will let the modeler choose if he wants a three, four, or five speed Lenco transmission. Chris.
  8. Good morning ladies and germs. While cruising the web this morning, I came across this excerpt from a military modelling book called "Panzer Modelling". Yeah, I know it isn't about cars but military modellers are even crazier than us when it comes to accuracy and detail. However, I think you will find this excerpt from this fine book will be most helpful. http://books.google.com/books?id=RAEdxELgz...hSSuVZs#PPP1,M1
  9. Irender, do you live in the Charlotte area? If so, you are more than welcome to visit my resin casting shop any time you want. I live on Hipp Rd. As far as Charles Carpenter goes, I have the same attitude towards the man as you. When I started casting resin I visited his shop on several occassions and took about as many photos of his '55 Chevy (the one he just sold). I don't know if any of the other members of this forum have met Charles but he is the most cordial person you will ever meet. He will go out of his way to show you what is what on one of these complicated Pro/Mods. I can't wait to visit his shop and see the new '55. As for you build of his Pro/Sportsman car. That is by far one of the best I've ever seen. Would love to include those photos on our website "Outlaw Gallery". Drop me a line at resinslinger@msn.com if you are interested. WOW does not do this build justice. You are a true craftsman. Chris.
  10. Its not in production yet. Give us another month or so. Chris.
  11. This is ripp,Im looking 4 a 58 Merc ragtop.If u know any 1 who could make such a kit would u let me know.I figure any 1 named resinslinger would know.Thanks

  12. Okay, I had a stint with the stents. Thank you for the correction and wishes for a good recovery. CB
  13. Len, I got your order and please don't be worried. However, I have to let you know that I just got out of the hospital this past Tuesday. It seems that a couple of weeks ago I had several mild heart attacks and didn't even realize it. On Monday of this week I had to undergo a heart-cath so that the cardiologists could do angio-plasty (opening any blocked cardiac arteries with a balloon) and then place stints (metal sleeves) to keep those arteries open. So, if you are wondering why I haven't contacted you, now you know. Give me a few more days to get back on my feet and I'll have your order in the mail to you. Later. CB
  14. Good afternoon. I need some input from those of you that build 1:25th scale versions of today's Pro/Mods. In the "Resin" section of this forum I stated that I was busy designing several items that will update the Ross Gibson "Thumper" and "Sonny Leonard" engine kits. These include parts like a camshaft belt drive, crank-trigger ignition, low profile billet distributor, harmonic balancer, vacuum pump, dry-sump oil pump, sheet-metal intake manifold, sheet-metal dry-sump oil pan, and sheet-metal valve covers. I've been thinking that I could do similar parts for the engines found in the Revell Pro/Sportsman '55 and '57 kits. Would any of you be interested in such items?
  15. Almost finished with the design drawings for a sheet-metal dry-sump oil pan based on the Gene Fulton/Moroso design. CB
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