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Everything posted by Khils

  1. PM sent
  2. Would you be interested an original MPC #33 Pearson GTO built up?
  3. Khils

    4.3 V6

    I do not have any extra at the moment...but all the AMT '94-'96 s10/s15 pickup kits have one RWD Vortec's w/ 4L60E auto.
  4. Fantastic variety of some "Very impressive" vehicles! THX 4 sharing!! Treasures to be found "right there" if we'd only known where to look! ...(😔 been there)
  5. Very 😎 Cool!!! I'm liking that!!
  6. Welcome to the forum Young man! There are a lot of great modeler's here whom graciously share, offer, commemorate with helpful camaraderie. Your youth and interests are exactly what's needed to continue this great hobby as most of us members are more senior.
  7. Do ya need more than one set Rick?? Just say so, got another set I'm not using.
  8. Would these be satisfactory? ... **still fresh on the tree.**
  9. Hey Bill....ya might wanna up that supply run!! ....this next storm looks to be a serious one!
  10. T. Y. For saying that Dan! (kept me from typing something You & I would've regretted I typed)
  11. Incoming PM
  12. Hey guys! I'm not curtain if his location is directly affected by the fires, but I'm 95% sure his cell & Internet IS! Keep him and all others in your thoughts during this disaster. I conversed with him just B4 the fires took off!
  13. PM heading your way! T.Y.
  14. I would like to discuss.
  15. I would like an opportunity at a variety "of" if possible or are your plans to move it in one large lot? PM me if we can make arrangements.
  16. I am very interested in the Chevelle bodies.
  17. Love the Cameo!!! Good looking builds Sir!
  18. PM sent
  19. I am NO help ! .....in finding that body...But I am holding bated breath that "tooling" might possibly surface in the Atlantis (Revell but out) lier. One can only hope!!
  20. For general purposes....the AMT kit is a '68 Roadrunner... (blue box art) ..Johan did the '69 variant.... Here's a cpl pics showing the grill differences... (red '69 1:1 - from the web)
  21. Look to the 3D printed parts industry.... somewhere I've seen seen U-joints printed, then "add" the tubing/ old sprue ...the pump looks pretty basic to scratch build.
  22. Not such a long shot! The lenses are one piece left to right textured red plastic, definitely make your own...the end result is much more pleasing!!
  23. Not sure of "what is left"…... But is this something you're looking for?
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