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    Jon scott

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  1. This is my first model so I know it may be cringe worthy to some haha. Any ideas why the paint on the side of the engine block almost looks like it has tiny craters in it?
  2. Good afternoon and happy holidays to everyone!:) I’m looking to buy one of the large magnifying glasses (not sure what they are actually called:/ ) for detail work and just for general use. Any suggestions?
  3. West palm Beach for most of the year
  4. That’s the kind of advice I wanted thank you both! I saw the acrylics at the hobby store and tried to ask one of the employees about it, didn’t know it was lower quality looked worse when used. :/ So I should return the enamels and use acrylic to start off?
  5. Sorry I didn’t explain myself well The body will be spray painted. I’m talking about the smaller pieces like the engine, brakes....etc Should I be mixing some thinner with the color I’m painting with or just use the paint directly from the bottle? I learned a while ago brushing the body looks awful;)
  6. I bought my first model today (‘65 Chevy impala) and some testors enamel paint. Can I use the paint as is or does the paint look/apply better by taking some paint and using some paint thinner. Or is it ok to just start using the paint straight out of the bottle? Any suggestions on good sites for tips and tricks would be appreciated too.
  7. Hi everyone I’m new to building car models and would like to thank everyone for their help in advanced!:) I will have a lot of questions:@) so thanks !
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