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  • Full Name
    Bill Cunningham

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    William David Cunningham

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  1. Please check out my new site on Facebook. Search: bilingham design
  2. Here is my most recent build, the Shelby De Tomaso P70. The car is 1/24 scale and is an original CAD design I created using Autodesk Fusion. I worked on this car for 4 years, on and off, as I encountered and resolved various problems. Tha car is entirely 3d printed except for wires, clear parts, etc.
  3. Did well at the ACME Southern Nationals last Saturday. Won a "TopTen" and "Excellence in Modelling" awards. Great show, over 900 models on the table.
  4. Did well at the ACME Southern Nationals last Saturday. Won a "TopTen" and "Excellence in Modelling" awards. Great show, over 900 models on the table.
  5. Well guys, I took the P70 to the ACME Southern Nationals on Saturday. I received a "top ten" award, and the "Excellence in Modelling" award. Very gratifying.
  6. pretty much finished
  7. Yep, I'll be there
  8. The P70 is almost ready for it's debut at the ACME Southern Nationals in Atlanta. A couple of additional decals and it's finisned.
  9. No, they were printed black, sprayed with white lacquer, spayed again with charcoal gray acrylic. When dry, rhe gray was selectively removed from the stitching and the lettering with alcohol and a Q-tip.
  10. The seatbelts are prints. This is the first time I've tried this, and the results are pretty cool.
  11. No, the buckles don't work, but they are designed to have very realistic dimensions.
  12. The dash in place. note the leather dood pulls, bizarre oil pipes snaking across the passenger foot well, the shifter. Really coming along.
  13. Headlights installed, 36 rivits around the cockpit
  14. Yes indeed.
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