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About young_model_builder

  • Birthday 03/31/2004

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  • Scale I Build

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  • Full Name
    Cody Scollay

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  1. That is looking really good! Nice job!
  2. Also decided the color is going to be a 2 tone with white and busters customs colors Metallic Midnight Blue.
  3. Been awhile since i have got a lot of progress done on this one, but here is a couple small things i have done. I got the motor finished up, nothing special just blown small block, and then i modified some small drag slicks and made the car look a ton better in my opinion.
  4. Made any progress? These look very cool!
  5. This is looking really cool! How did you make the front clip? What did you use to cut it? I am trying to do a gasser also and would really like to have the front clip removable, but don't know what to do.
  6. I am trying to build a 55 Chevy gasser and would like it to have a removable front clip. How could I do this? The kit is Monograms 55 Chevy Street Machine kit.
  7. Looks really good! Will be fun to watch this build
  8. Ok, I have thought up of a plan after watching some Roadkill. I am going to replicate Blasphemi just because that car is awesome and it would be fun to make chevy fans mad.
  9. You are correct it is 1/24. Thanks for the recommendation, I will go check those kits out.
  10. Thank you! Sucks to hear your models didn't make it, they sound like they were very cool.
  11. Thank you! I have not decided yet. Maybe black or a hot rod red
  12. One of the many builds that I am doing is this Trojan Horse funny car. So far I have got the rear spoiler on the car, got the body and chassis in primer, and have started to put the motor together. Mocked up this thing looks pretty cool so I can't wait to finish it.
  13. Got some primer on the body and now trying to figure out the base coat.
  14. A basic 1955 Chevy gasser that I am doing. Going to be almost all box stock except for the motor. The kit one is way to small so I am going to upgrade, don't know what to yet but something with a blower. It should be a cool gasser once done.
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