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  1. You are making a really excellent job, it all looks really neat and clean, the seats look real, good question about the advertisement's, not sure about that one, maybe the big long ones were on some sort of panel just to keep them flat but I think the smaller one's would have been stuck straight to the body work, really enjoying watching this come together .
  2. Thanks for the kind comments guys, much appreciated.
  3. You are doing a great job on this one, really enjoying watching.
  4. Thanks Haken, thanks again for posting those photo's they were a big help, though I did use some other reference video's as well which as a result ended up with a bit of a mish mash of different dashboard/cab interior's probably spanning 15 to 20 years of production, I am still working on the Aerodyne cab interior and finding things that I have missed but it is getting there. I wasn't going to post anymore photo's of the K123 until it was finished but it could be weeks or month's before I finally complete it as I need a new grill after ruining the kit one, so here are a few photo's of the nearly finished K123 in the mean time.
  5. Excellent scratch building, detailing and weathering on both trucks, a real top job!!!
  6. Great work on the auger, looking at the photo's you posted I can see how difficult it would have been to work out how to fabricate it, looks like you nailed it though, great scratch building on this complicated project, really enjoying watching this build.
  7. That's different!! really interesting subject, top job!!
  8. Really enjoy watching these builds of older trucks, its going to be a good one I am sure, great work so far and looking forward to more.
  9. Lovely neat work on the cab interior, its all looking good!!
  10. That is one sharp dressed truck, great colour scheme really well done, excellent job!!
  11. Finally got round to taking some photo's today, so I can do a little update of progress so far, the K123 is almost there apart from the grill and some weathering, the Aerodyne is coming along slowly and might be difficult to complete without another kit as I nicked some bits off it to finish the K123. There is still more detailing to do on the chassis and the cab interior, and as usual the air intakes and exhaust stack's are not fixed yet, (last job) the fifth wheel and frame are also still to finish but I am getting there bit by bit.
  12. Sorry I haven't followed this build until now, fire engine's aren't really my thing ( I would probably change my mind though if my house was on fire) I should have been watching, absolutely excellent scratch building work, it looks fantastic!!!
  13. Paintwork looks neat from here and the whole truck looks the business, another top job well on the way!!
  14. No problem! looks like you got the same contractors in, I am happy that it inspired some one to have a go too, never thought about it when I was working on it, I never got round to doing any more detailing on it but now I am getting towards the end of the two Kenworth's I am thinking of doing a bit more work to it before the next truck build. You have done a great job on yours and inspired me to do a bit more on mine, that's what it's all about!
  15. It's looking good!!!
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