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Everything posted by Dentz

  1. Nice Work!. I love Malaise era and late 80's-90's models. Can we see the Uncle Buck car?
  2. Nice job considering what you started with. I have the big 1/16 version of this kit. (monogram I think) It is pretty rough too panel wise. Been an ongoing project for a couple years. Almost done
  3. Ah. Who doesn't love a Red Head? 80's Testarossa's are part of the 'naughty poster' collection for us 80's kids. I need to build another. Only have the drop top in my stable right now. Nice work!
  4. I like it. Would love to see this in a 'Central Park' Diorama. Nice job.
  5. Ouch. I couldn't imagine taking a cherry classic into the burnout ring for just that reason. Much more fun when it's a beater. Less nerve wracking.
  6. That's cool. Can you post a photo of it signed? How was the Freedom 500 in person?
  7. AWESOME. Your model met Derek at the Freedom 500 eh? It was shown on the new episode that just dropped. Nice stuff! Way to go!
  8. That's fantastic! I love VGG. Fan and Member. Been watching since 2018. Great job on the lil details like the steering wheel, paint can spills etc. Gonna do Liberty next? I'm gonna take a stab at an Independence model soon. Anyone here that likes cars.. LOL... check out Vice Grip on Youtube. It's the best
  9. These are great! Are you going to give 'lil lightning' a try? Can't wait to see 'The Homer'
  10. ''Is he gonna S... or is he gonna kill us?'' ''First, he's gonna S...., Then he's gonna kill us'' What a great movie! Great Build, Good fun. Thanx for sharing.
  11. Jefferson's Ride? ''You can't fix this car Spiccoli.'' ''Relax, my old man's a TV repair man. He has the ultimate set of tools.''
  12. What a beauty! Great work. I remember building this in the 80's Would love another go at it.
  13. That Hardcastle and McCormick Coyote is awesome!!
  14. You win Models! lol. Too cool. Saw the actual car in person once. Give this one a go. It's in my city
  15. I would LOVE to get my hands on one of these. A friend owns a real one. Same colour. Shame it's not kitted
  16. Bueller mobile. nice!
  17. This is a nice kit. Just built it myself a couple months ago in the same colour. I went with BMF for the trim. I wish they would would provide a mask for the hood though and just do the thin pinstripe in decal so you don't have to overlay the thicker stripe part over the black paint.
  18. This would be mine. Spent months reworking a Revell kit to open everything up. Sorry, the headlights aren't done in these pics
  19. Very cool build. I dig that engine work. I'm a big Daytona/Laser fan
  20. I remember when I was a kid and the Concord came to my city. I think half of the town stopped to watch it. The roar was fantastic. We are lucky to get some cool aircraft around here. Coast Guard and Military Helicopters. Border patrol Choppers. Search and Rescue aircraft etc. We had the RedBull air races here for a couple years and we used to get great airshows until they built a big new repair hanger on the flight line ? We do still get almost daily formation flights from the Canadian Historical Aircraft Association that includes a Harvard (T6 Texan), Chipmunk and a Stearman Biplane. They are restoring a Lanc and a Mossie too.
  21. Ha. The few dozen others is key!. Great choice on the Spad.....'tis bad! Do you prefer the sport model or crew cab?
  22. Good call on the P-51. Looking at my 1/48 Tuskeegee right now. The P51 and the CT114 have almost the exact same wing shape and span.
  23. Ouch. The Snowbirds pic is rough! Sorry.
  24. Most of us build it all. Give me an interesting kit and Try and stop me from building it! To keep it Off-Topic, let's do aircraft. What's your favorite(s)? I just saw a great picture of an F-14 on the deck with it's wings back, Silhouetted by the sunset. Felt inspired to try and start a chat. Mine are the F-14 tomcat, F-8 Crusader, SR-71 Blackbird, Super Marine Spitfire, Lancaster Bomber and my personal favorite CT-114 Tudor (Snowbirds) There are soo many more but I figure 'Top 5 + a bonus pick' is plenty, ....but to squeeze in a top 10... ?.. Mig-15, F4u Corsair, P38 Lightning and The Daddy...... The A-10 Thunderbolt II, Which saved a Friend's life more than once while deployed in Afghanistan and used to fly regularly out of a Michigan airbase near me before they where replaced by F-16s (which kick butt too!) ....and what the heck. Bonus for 5?... Why not a bonus for 10 too? Because.... I think they may have V-22 Ospreys there now as well. I had the good fortune of watching those suckers do their thing during an exercise on the Detroit river a couple of years ago.??
  25. My friend just game me a hardtop kit. the windshield is split in half. same as the slant nose convertible i built last year. wonder if that's common? Nice job. I dig the engine
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