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Joe Thomas

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    Joe Thomas

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  1. The TheDragsterdude Sorry, no WIP pics. It was fairly straightforward. Slight mods to get the wrecker body to fit. Dually wheels are resin.
  2. Thx. The orange 'vert is stock as is the HT. The purple used all the custom parts from the kit.
  3. Here is a pic of two convertibles plus my original issue hardtop I built in 1968.
  4. Here's a pic I took of the actual building.
  5. Thanks for all the positive comments.
  6. When you were a kid, after buying a 3 in 1 kit, you had to decide which version to make or maybe a combo of all three. Since AMT has been reissuing old kits, I was finally able to make all three versions. Left to right for both kits is stock, custom, and race. The El-Camino with the white camper and the stock wagon are original issues I built in 1965. Still have the old instruction sheets and some of the extra parts. These had screws holding the chassis to the body. Testors discontinued the turquoise spray paint so I had to shoot the drag wagon in light blue. The drag version of the El-C had an extra front suspension spacer to make it look like a gasser. I just ordered two 3 in 1 AMT 1953 Ford pickups, one for stock, a tribute truck to Tim Allen's characters truck in Last Man Standing, the other, full custom.
  7. Also a two piece red desk phone is included.
  8. Just picked mine up tonite from Hanger 18 in Cary NC. They have about 6. Here is some pics of the instruction sheet and decal sheet. I'm planning installing the sbc from the AMT parts pack
  9. and battleships. Also learned drafting in high school on a board Still have the drawings Use a small adjustable carpenter's square to check for squareness on truck chassis.
  10. Another tip to prevent paint bottle disasters. Use a roll of electrical or other tape.
  11. Scrwdrvr: The blue vertical stands are adjustable horizontally plus the left one is spring loaded so the body is held by a clamping action. There are also grooves in the black pieces that mate with the body.
  12. I leave my metal files overnight in a bottle of nail polish remover to dissolve the plastic.
  13. A fellow modeler suggested using a circuit board holder to position model car bodies while applying decals or trim. Purchased from amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Q2TTQEE?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
  14. Thx for the kudos.
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