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Everything posted by Plowboy

  1. I have a Moebius six cylinder that I got in a trade. It's garbage. The rear end of the block is taller than the front and the transmission mounts at an angle.
  2. With all of the 3-D printers going now, surely someone makes one. I did a search. But, all I found were the files.
  3. Thanx Steve! I like doing different colors and styles with different cars. It's a little more challenging as well as rewarding when it works out.
  4. Wow! That's shocking and sad! The man had crazy talent! He always seemed so down to earth. The last video of him I watched, he was allowing his 14 year old daughter Lia drive his AWD Mustang. They were drag racing other cars and she smoked most of them. My sincere condolences to his family. This reminds me of when Steve Irwin got killed by a Stingray. You just don't expect them to go out that way.
  5. We look forward to seeing you do a buildup Tim!
  6. Excellent work as always Cliff! You really nailed this model!
  7. Nice models David! I really like that El Camino! Ever since I saw it the first time, I've been thinking about building one. Nice work!
  8. Thanx Mathias! I'm just trying to push through. I think I've turned the corner with the covid deal. I got the quarter panel back in paint. I took it outside for a photo to see if the color would show better. It did make a difference. Once this is dried well, I can sand it, get a coat of color and a coat of pearl on. I shot a coat of pearl on the floorpan and really like how it looks!
  9. Welp, I ended the old year and started the new year with covid! Still recovering. I made the mistake of dragging myself out to the garage with the idea of doing a mockup with the Goat. Bad idea! I had forgot that I had to install the floorpan in a different manner than usual. Like an idiot, I spread it too far and cracked the quarter panel AGAIN! So, I glued it again, filled the crack with crazy glue, gave it a light coat of Tamiya White Putty and sanded it smooth. Then I cut a corner out of a piece of paper, held it just off of the body and shot a coat of primer. Once it's ready, I'll sand and shoot a couple coats of color, sand and shoot the whole thing. Minor setback. But, it's still annoying. Especially when I did something stupid to cause it. At least I didn’t have to strip it and start over!
  10. A trick I learned a long time ago when I worked in a body shop is to use a guide coat over primer. I'll spray a coat of gray and mist a coat of white over it. When I sand, any imperfections will show.
  11. That is a really nice looking Roadster Steve! It has a look that's timeless! It's too bad Revell didn't see fit to engineer their kit so that it could have a hood and fenders. They really make this model!
  12. Nice combination of models Bernard! Those Jaguars are really nice looking!
  13. Very nice and clean models Tommy! I like the yellow on the Parklane. What's the name of the color?
  14. Wow! You weren't kidding when you said you had a productive year Bob! Cool stuff!
  15. Looks nice in that color Steve! The MRC Cragars suits it well also. This kit does have a fitment issue with the grille and tail panel. I cut the lip at the bottom of the trunk lid away and it helps a lot. On the grille I cut the bezels back to the mold lines and then hit them with a Molotow pen.
  16. I would go over it with the Fine and Finish again. I use the Course, Fine and Finish on mine. I've actually just sanded the clear with 2000 and went with the Tamiya compounds. Sometimes, I'll hit it with 4000 grit and even 6000. But, usually 4000 is plenty. I've been thinking about using the Tamiya wax for that extra step. But, so far, I really haven't needed it. Like you, I use all Tamiya products.
  17. Thanx Robert! I wasn't sure either. This was a model that didn't come together until the very end. Now it looks like the color could have been from the factory. The grille on this model was a tough one because it was hard and brittle. But, the effect is always worth the effort.
  18. You had a very productive year Bill! Nice work!
  19. You had a great year Tim! They're all very nicely done!
  20. I love that Camaro!!! That model is just so wicked looking! You nailed everything on that one!
  21. Wow! You took that old kit and built quite the exceptional model out of it! I really like the opened doors and the brake rod detail on the chassis. Nice work!
  22. That's some cool stuff Mathias! I really like the little blue bug!
  23. I tried clear over foil on a couple of models. My BIG mistake was using Testors clear enamel. In just a bit of time, it yellowed. But, even when it was fresh, the clear knocked down the shine. One model I stripped. The other I didn’t care enough about to do over.
  24. Thanx Tony! I think a car like this would be a nice family cruiser. Like you, I'd have to give it a good rip every once in a while too.
  25. I always apply BMF after the clear coat. An advantage of that is that I can polish it to give it a better shine.
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