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    Bill Newcomer

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  1. At Steve's suggestion, I have purchased the quart cans of black. It airbrushes really nice and cut with lacquer thinner, it dries fast.
  2. SaWEET!!!!! Superman decal. Nice touch.
  3. That is way cool! What kit did you build it from?
  4. I love the detail of you are putting into this . I appreciate you taking the time to basically create a tutorial for us. Regarding the tank straps, when I built my Freightliners (simultaneously) I painted the kit's ribs with Model Master "Black Chrome Trim". I then laid self-adhesive colored foil tape from Hobby Lobby. It duplicates the effect of the rubber under the straps but in scale.
  5. Beautiful color. Do you have a link to the WIP? I would like to learn what it takes to get an engine in it. (I just can't do curbsides)
  6. My favorites are kits that do not fight you on assembly. I tend to deflash and go right to paint. Test fitting is some I will do if I am warned. Sometimes I get away without doing so and some times I don't. My skillset has been greatly improved since joining this forum. (Looking at you Steve). Here are some that I am proudest of:
  7. Now that the stereo has been dialed in to perfection, and the dashboard has all the upgrades I want done to it, it is time to replace the engine. The, still original, 53 year old 455 is getting tired. It runs great but has blow by if I get into the secondaries. I have a spare 455 that was my first and only engine rebuild from back in the 80's. Unfortunately, it suffered a car fire with only 20K on the rebuild. I have been lugging it around with every move for longer than I have owned this Grand Prix. It is presently in the machine shop getting a couple of sleeves put in it. I have been having fun researching and ordering parts at the best prices I can find. I am going to treat the engine refresh as though I were building a highly detailed model. Every part will get special attention to make it as functional and asthetically pleasing as I can. Part of today was spent painting/clear coating the motor mounts and the oil pan bolts. It will probably take me until late Summer to put it all together. It will be my "practice" engine as I want to keep the car on the road while I go through my numbers matching after this one is in.
  8. That is a beautiful color combination.
  9. That 1:1 looks wicked.
  10. Wow! You brought it a long ways from where you started. My cousin had a white 79 GP I did some custom stereo work in it for him back in the late 80's.
  11. That is awesome and It is not even in color yet.
  12. I am not a waxer (yet). I take the path of least resistance (and least likely to fail) and use Future. It holds PE, decals and BMF very well. I also dries crystal clear. If you screw up, it comes off with household ammonia without damage to the paint.
  13. Sweet build. I hope to build mine in black someday.
  14. You could go another direction and make the hood carbon fiber via decal with maybe a blower swap.
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