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    Bill Newcomer

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MCM Ohana

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  1. I am limited to one small room in my house that must hold my stash of 250+ unbuilt kits, my work bench and a soon to be limited display case.
  2. Thanks everyone for your input. I am about To embark on a couple of projects with two tone paint jobs. My favorite edge mask is Para-Film. Though It is not designed for large surfaces.
  3. I just looked into my Gone Fishing Ramcharger. It does not have them.
  4. I noticed they were 8 lug instead of 5 lug. My kit is still sealed so I am not yet inclined to crack it open.
  5. Thank you for your reply. I do not have either of those kits.
  6. Ok thanks. That one I do not have. I do have this. Would they be the same as the Warlock wheels?
  7. I new have a project that requires these wheels to accomplish. OR... If someone knows of any other kits that used the same "wagon" wheels.
  8. Search the internet for photos of any 1:1 versions. Sooner or later, you will find a color combo that is to your liking.
  9. I am approaching retirement too. I am currently healthy and like my job. The work is fine, the people are great but the software we have to use is as annoying as hell. A couple of years ago I was unemployed for a month. I did not like being that idle during that time. As mentioned above, I have some back burner projects around the house but they would all be done in no time. When I used to service residential HVAC systems, I got to talk to a lot of retirees. I learned a couple of things. DO NOT WASTE AWAY WATCHING TV. It was sad seeing the state of the folks that did that. On the positive side, one fellow said, "before you go to bed. have a goal for the next day. Do not wait until morning to figure out what you are going to do". I am seriously thinking I would volunteer to be a crossing guard for the elementary school down the street. It would make me get out of bed and see some young faces every week day. I would never have to work holidays and I have summers off for 1:1 car shows and stuff.
  10. Nope, I usually have a plan shortly before I open the box. Sometimes plans get altered if I research an example online and I like it better. But that is still BEFORE I start to build.
  11. I did a triple drive on one of my Freightliners. https://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/topic/148169-brbo-2020-triple-drive-white-freightliner-coe/
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