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Everything posted by mannyclub

  1. Looks good Nick awesome car! Cool movie too. Manny
  2. Awesome Nick! Love the 67! Manny
  3. Sweet tyrone! Love the conv. Rally wheels are so cool lookin! Manny
  4. Nice Dan! Love them. Manny Hey Felix thanks! The braided line is from http://protechmodelparts.com/ Note: the braided line from the intake water inlet to the radiator was replaced after this pic was taken. That line wasnt Protech, was from another company.
  5. Love the Camaro's! I would take any of them to drive! Manny
  6. Felix, your Camaros are awesome! Cool that you are doing so many and different styles of them very cool. Here is my 69 Camaro w/572BB. (Wish I had a 67 though) Manny
  7. Nice Willys, I like the colors on them and the graphics. Classes start at 7am so have fun Manny
  8. OK now that 56 is SWEET! I like using copper as a base to on the older cars gives it that older style look i think. The 56 with the graphics is wicked looking! Ok so now you have them all painted.....time to BMF them all? lol Manny
  9. They all look awesome! Love the Nova Doc. Manny
  10. Awesome Focus! The decals are nice too. Manny
  11. Both are cool Tyrone, but the pro street 72 is killer! I to would rather have a short bed but cool either way. I built a 72 pro mod back in 99 or so wish i stil had it. The wheels on the stepside are sweet, kinda reminds me of a pro touring. Manny
  12. I bought one from Greg a couple months ago and the wheels very nice! The wheels are awesome! Manny Thanks again Greg!
  13. That is awesome Chuck! Love the wheels and the 6 cyl. Rust is very cool. would be a car I would want to find and fix up. Manny
  14. Nice Willys Floyd! Manny
  15. Well I would not order one from Walmart, it was cool that they did do that for (us) the customers. I guess I will have to check out Kohls again, its been a year or so since I have even been there. Manny
  16. Thanks for the info. Yea i guess some are over priced geez. Manny
  17. Thats cool, figure they would say somthing like that though of course, at least around here they always sold them fast. hmm. Thanks I didnt know you could order them on line from them to a store thats cool. How are the prices any idea? Manny
  18. Thats cool they sell them, alittle bit cheaper there then at some of the local hobby shops around here it seems. to bad Walmart's dont carry them again! Manny
  19. That car is just awesome! Nice build. As said before looks real, imangine it taken outside for pictures! Manny
  20. Cool tip Chuck! Thanks Manny
  21. I'll be there! Manny
  22. I like the looks of it so far, cant wait to see more of it. The WIP pics are cool also. Manny
  23. Love these cars! Looks awesome, nice wheel choice. The lake pipes set it right off too. Manny
  24. Awesome!! love all the details. Manny
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