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    Paul Fox

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  1. Yikes! I bet that WAS challenging! Very nice execution however. Well Done!
  2. I added a rail speeder to the abandoned track in the corner by the trestle. A guy on another board that has an actual full-sized speeder was kind enough to provide pictures and dimensions. \ The remaining undeveloped area was set up as a rifle range. More detailing needed but the basic scene is in place.
  3. My farm diorama is here. Don't know if the truck shows up in that thread so here's a couple of pictures. Thanks for your interest!
  4. I love it! Great job. I did something similar on my 1:64 farm diorama using a hotwheels truck.
  5. I like where you're going with this!
  6. Which is precisely why I haven't jumped on them yet. At the moment, my PLA printer is down waiting on a part. I have some stuff I want to print but nothing critical and I have other things to occupy my time while I'm waiting on the part.
  7. Nice progress David! I'm going to have to look into resin 3D, there's some amazing stuff out there. Quite a lot more complex than printing with PLA tho.
  8. Lots of detail! Reinforces my prejudices about cities too...
  9. Couldn't resist a quick and dirty mockup.
  10. Extremely. Hence the 2 month lay-off. But the bottom line is - to coin a phrase - "A man's gotta know his limitations."
  11. After many hours and several attempts to create acceptable operating doors on the service body, I came to the conclusion that it was beyond my skills and I'd rather have non-opening doors than crappy looking opening doors. So, I bit the bullet and scrapped this final attempt and started over from scratch. I am now at this stage. The basic body is complete less rear bumper, ready for sanding and paint prep. The top of the side boxes is diamond plate as will be the bumper. They'll get silver paint, the rest of the truck will be red except possibly the front fenders (haven't decided yet). It being Winter in Maine, currently 20° and 77% humidity, it'll likely be some time before any paint gets laid down
  12. Pretty much done detailing the abandoned track scene. Would like to find some scraps of rail, gave all my HO stuff away.
  13. Coming along nicely. Did you know there are people out there that - dare I say it - actually use 1-2-3 blocks for machining? That's just crazy... (I actually have three sets - one set on the modeling bench, one set in the mini-machine shop and one set in the main shop)
  14. Taking maximum advantage of the view makes sense.
  15. My comments were based on the drawing. It just seems odd to have bedrooms right by the front door. I typically expect to see bedrooms at the rear of the house with kitchen and living areas in the front. Probably just me.
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