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Doug 1061

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About Doug 1061

  • Birthday 10/09/1961

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  • Scale I Build
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  • Full Name
    Doug Edwards

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MCM Avid Poster

MCM Avid Poster (5/6)

  1. Superb job all around. And some top notch photography also.
  2. Very nice. Window tint is a nice touch. This is a nice kit. I built one a few years back, I was a bit concerned with that multi piece body but it all fell together with no trouble.
  3. Beautiful work there. The Go Navy sticker is a nice touch. Haven't seen one of them in many years.
  4. My lone build for the year. Life and other things in the way. Revell 71 Boss 351 kit. Mach 1 decals from an amt kit. Built for a friend who had one of these years ago. He was happy with it.
  5. Well done. Your friend is gonna be tickled pink.
  6. You knocked that one right outta the park. Beautiful work. 65 and 66 were my favorite Impala.
  7. Beautiful work all around. I can relate about the not so nimble fingers nowadays.
  8. I have never seen one of these done weathered. And built in 24 hrs. Looks great.
  9. Now that's something different. Looks great.
  10. Very nice. Those Ford heavy trucks of that era were some of the best looking trucks ever. I have thought about this kit but the price tag has kept me away. I may have to bite the bullet and pick one up.
  11. Way cool. I butchered one of these when I was a young'un. I would like to try it again.
  12. It seems to me like they are all about the same. In my hood here we have those cluster mailboxes, the mail carrier stuffed a box in there that was exactly the same size as the inside of my mailbox? I had to grab a couple putty knives and pry it out like a crash test dummy. Don't know what that guy was thinking. I worked at a large postal distribution center for Christmas rush. After seeing first hand what goes on in those places it's a wonder they manage to get one truck out of the yard let alone get a parcel to someone's door step. The definition of dysfunctional. It was like each department did what they could to make each other look bad.
  13. Very nice. It looks like it would be a challenge to paint since there is not a flat body panel on it.
  14. Too cool. Beautiful work.
  15. You hit a homer with that build. I built one a few years back, it is an excellent kit. I wanted it Panther Pink but 3 failed attempts I painted it blue.
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