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  1. No, you did not understad me at all. ? Case closed! What is done is done.
  2. Thank you.
  3. I haven’t said I glued the halves together before removing the chromium. Of course, the chromium is removed first and then glued. The picture shows the parts glued after chromium removal. I tried to paint the parts at that point, but that orange-yellow lacquer visible under the chrome on the other rim prevented the work from succeeding. After that, I tried again to remove that varnish. After this stage, the rims were already in the crumbling stage. If I hadn’t wanted to replace those plastic spokes with metallic ones and left the chrome rims, the motorcycle would have been ready months ago.
  4. I will keep them until the model is ready, no longer. Could using too much glue cause that crumbling? That glue is the Heller tube glue that came with the model.
  5. Opel Factory closed. Finished pictures can be seen here: http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/topic/163666-opel-factory/ Thanks for watching.
  6. Well, now they're done. More or less mistakes. I am not satisfied with the paint surfaces. I don't really know how to use watercolors yet. Until now, I have always painted with enamel paints. The last two pictures also show the models I made last year. The second picture also shows the year models. Thanks for watching.
  7. Hello Rusty. I've done it. http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/topic/163650-rims-for-heller-52994-yamaha-ty-125-18/
  8. If I remember correctly, I used these products: Oven and grill cleaner (pic 1), a substance used to open a clogged drain (pic 3), a bleach , that is the same as chlorite (pic 2). The chromium came off quickly, but it took at least 24 hours for the varnish to come off. I don't remember exactly anymore. I have used the same fluids in the past without any side effects. I don't have any chrome parts tree to test. All the parts are painted and ready to install, but no rims. (Pics 4-7)
  9. Thank you David. I put the survey in that section. Hopefully someone has them.
  10. Hello. Would anyone know anyone who would donate Heller # 52994, Yamaha TY125 1: 8 rims. The rims on my kit are completely ruined after removing the chrome from them. They crumbled completely to pieces. Part numbers are 103, 104, 110, and 111. Heller Support has not answered my question, which I submitted on the first day of April, 2021. Thank you.
  11. Installed e.g. windows (NOT Microsoft) ?, steering wheels, etc.
  12. Hello David James. These are 1:24 scale as you can see here http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/topic/162128-opel-factory/?tab=comments#comment-2412047 Btw. The car with sunroof is Navy Blue not Black. ?
  13. Hello David A. No, it's provided by the kit. it is 100 % self made according to the picture.
  14. Seats, door panels and handles mounted into Cabriolets. Dashboards glued into Limousines. Last photo shows the Webasto sunroof made of 0.24 mm brass sheet covered with fabric.
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