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    Roy Scales

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MCM Ohana

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  1. I said earlier I would try, and I was able to get a '70 Torino GT kit so that will now be my primary kit for my build. I will also be using some parts from the Torino Cobra kit I provided a picture of earlier, in order to replicate my 1:1 Torino GT.
  2. Very nice, thanks for sharing!
  3. Snow tires... starting at $12.95. Wow, that says something about 60+ years of inflation! 😄
  4. That's over the top corny! 🤣 It's so fun to watch commercials from that era.
  5. Those are great vintage Aussie Ford commercials.
  6. Phenomenal work. They all look fantastic. Your paint jobs are outstanding.
  7. Holy smokes! That's a great looking stable of very nice cars! Even if some were started before 2024, your commitment to follow them through to completion is admirable. Nicely done!
  8. Very nice, clean builds all of them. I like all of your color choices and the paint jobs look great.
  9. Nicely done and a great replica of your old car which, by the way, was a gorgeous car!
  10. It;s shipping USPS so it probably won't be on my doorstep until July. All should be good.
  11. Great information, thank you Dave. Yours were some of the posts I read that convinced me I wanted to try Stynylrez and Createx. I don't have any great options for these locally. I went ahead and placed an order... might end up being a mistake, we'll see. This does make one wonder how the stores do it. The same risks would apply to them when shipping stock during the winter.
  12. Thank you for the information, Peter. That all makes good sense. I didn't see any verbiage like that on the site I ordered from. Fingers crossed, I'll see what I get.
  13. To the best of my recollection my first heavy duty truck/semi model was the AMT California Hauler Peterbilt 359. That would have been around 1975-76. I may have been known to feign sick to mom in order to stay home and finish a model with so many pieces. 😁
  14. The train derailed when the elephant stood on the tracks eating Peanut.
  15. And the tiger was later reportedly passing... well, we all know the rest of that story.
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