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Mile High Scale Modeler

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    Mile High Scale Modeler

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    MileHigh ScaleModeler

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  1. Hello, They’re in a new club OPM (Outcast Plstic Modelers) that is putting on a model car show at the end of October in Denver, Colorado. OPM Presents: The Mile High Open. I will be taking pictures of models utilizing my own equipment, lighting, and backgrounds. I wanted to connect with someone from Model Car Mag about coverage of the show and how I submit photos to be used in a spread. I will send an email to whatever email or person I need to. I just couldn’t find anything on the website via mobile device that could tell me.
  2. This is a nice build and happy to see if finally built. Very cool to continue on with the build after your buddy's passing. Enjoying seeing this build progress..
  3. Sorry not responding to everyone, but wanted to say thank you for all the compliments on the build. I appreciate you all!
  4. Very nice build! Appreciate the information you gave on how you completed the livery.
  5. Very nice! Enjoyed looking through all the pictures.
  6. Very nicely done! Love the color combo and that its a replica.
  7. Great detail in this build. Enjoyed seeing this turned into a full build compared to all the rest i've seen as box stock curbside.
  8. Very nice build. Like the additions to the build to make it more accurate. Did you have any issues with needing to go outside the instruction steps?
  9. Very nice and clean build. Enjoy the detail on the figures in the rally car.
  10. Very neat and cool build. I appreciate the information about the model in what you used for each major part.
  11. The attention to detail is amazing! Really enjoy the intricacy in how everything appears for realism along with the carbon and kevlar weaves you used on the car to bring out details.
  12. This is fantastic! Very nice build and enjoyed the pictures! Thanks for sharing.
  13. Just saw this post. Very nice build and enjoy the pictures!
  14. I like the yellow. Gives the build a different feel. I see a picture of the R8. Did you enjoy building that one or did you have issues?
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