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About bluestringer

  • Birthday 09/13/1951

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  • Full Name
    James D. Paramore

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. This is the Revell kit. Nice kit, no real problems with it. Instead of building the delivery van I just kept it a custom 39 Chevy Van. The paint is Tamiya Copper. Interior done with black and green. All comments welcome and thanks for looking.
  2. I get the aluminum craft wire from hobby lobby. Comes in different gauge sizes and colors. And it bends easily.
  3. Roll out livery..........................
  4. Thanks everyone. I really appreciate the comments.
  5. Nice Revell kit. I didn't do it justice. Tamiya purple acrylic. Rustoleum black interior. All comments welcome, and thanks for looking.
  6. Polar Lights kit. A warped, ill fitting kit. I did the best I could with it. Tamiya Chrome Silver Acylic, and Tamiya Red. Some Rustoleum Bright Coat. Wired the engine. The little rubber blower belt broke, made one out of electrical tape. Decals were bad, broke several but tried to piece them on. All comments welcome, and thanks for looking.
  7. Looking good Bob. Nice detail work.
  8. Outstanding. That engine is a model on it's own.
  9. I spray with my airbrush in my shed which has a big door. I just open it, put a fan in front of it and spray away. No fumes inside.
  10. Looks good. I think you will like the bright coat. Just put it on in light coats. I did this Chevy 2 funny car interior with it, except the roll bar I tried making it look steel with some Tamiya metallic grey.
  11. That's a nice looking kit Bob. Great start, engine looking good.
  12. I used rustoleum spray cans for a while when I got back into modeling about 3-4 years ago. After I got an airbrush and started using model paints my paint jobs improved a lot. Not right away though because the airbrush has a learning curve. I still use spray cans for some stuff. I like the Rustoleum bright coat metallic spray, it represents aluminum quite well and seems to spray much better than their other cans.
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