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Everything posted by bluestringer

  1. I guess everyone buys ready made boots.
  2. 34 Ford pickup I built into a street rod. And a 65 Chevy Fleetside I turned into a pro street.
  3. I haven't noticed that on mine. But I rarely take the time to mess with seam lines. I know it makes a better looking model to clean up those lines and such, but I just don't have the patience.
  4. Almost a rolling chassis.............
  5. What is everyone using for spark plug wire boots. I'm using 30awg for the wires. I found some beads at HL, but they seem to large.
  6. Thanks. Well, I'm retired, so if it's not too cold out in my work shed I'll sit in there for hours working on a build. It was 55 today with the humidity around 60, not bad for painting and gluing.
  7. Got the paint on it. Looks ok, not as much pearl as I thought it would be, hope it looks better after I get the clear on it. The Roush engine is almost ready to rumble.
  8. Welcome to the forum. Looks good so far. Man those are some big slicks. I built this kit as the OOB Hemified drag car. It's a nice kit.
  9. My first 2 car builds this year have gave me problems, so I got decided to try something different. The lime green looked so good I decided to just add a gloss clear coat on it. Turned out nice, even has some flake in it. I'm also working on my first truck build for this year, the Foose Ford FD-100.
  10. Real nice. I never could get my AMT 69 kit to fit right.
  11. They look great. And love your photo backgrounds.
  12. Thanks. Thanks Chaz. Thank you.
  13. Thanks. I'll watch out for that.
  14. Great. Do you have a WIP started on your build?
  15. It will be a straight OOB build. Paint will be Wicked Colors Pearl Black. I know most here have probably already built this kit, so any tips, tricks, cautions will be appreciated.
  16. My last 2 car builds gave me problems, so I going to try my first truck of the year and see how it turns out. All comments welcome.
  17. I know I forgot the turn signals. Need to get them on there.
  18. Calling it done warts and all. I've had problems with the last 2 builds and this one was no different. Clear coat messed up the first paint job, stripped it and painted again using a different clear coat but it still came out looking bad. Also had trouble with the frame to body fit as I have had on my last 2 builds. This caused the bumpers not to fit correctly. But it was still a fun build and I learned some things. All comments welcome.
  19. Calling it done. photos under glass.
  20. This is all the foil I'm putting on. Did a poor job of it, but I'm going with it.
  21. Well it didn't come out as good as I would have liked, but I'm going with it. I got some bad spots on it, the Testors spray was hard to control. I'll try the Createx gloss on the next build maybe, or I may just go back to using Revive It floor polish, I think it looked about as good. I got the chassis finished.
  22. Thanks David. I did finally get the Camaro finished but it sits a little off. I gave up on the Mustang and took it apart. I'll use the parts for other builds maybe. The engine would be great for a hot rod build. Thank you. Do you mean the short cut cans sold at Hobby Lobby? I had not thought of those.
  23. The Createx is a water based acrylic. Here's a stock photo of what I used. Picked it up at Hobby Lobby, but I think it has been discontinued and replaced with their UVLS Clear.
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