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Everything posted by WillyBilly

  1. I decided to two tone the cab and paint the wheels gold. I also couldn't help but notice MPC wanted these two together from the start. The racer's Wedge, and Coo Coo Marling Monte Carlo were released aound the same time. I think the Wedge was 1971, and the Monte was 1972-1973.
  2. I agree, and it took me a couple days to finally post because It is just another repeat thread. I have read through many pages, watched many videos. Everyone having different opinions. I finally did lock down the compressor, and I am fairly sure I have locked down the air brush too. I have learned more about the tools of airbrushing than I will ever use. Yet still scratch my head.
  3. I have read most of Don Wheeler's page. A lot of great info. I think I will re-read it. Thank you. I refuse to buy cheap junk. If that was the case, i would have just purchased, and avoided posting this. I have seen many knock off junk items, and I have seen where the knock off item is actually decent quality. The big thing for me is always longevity. Any review is always when the item is new. I would love to see reviews of things like air brushes when they are 5 years or 10 years old. That tells the story.
  4. I did. That is why I posted. The more I read, the more confused I became. Some said buy this airbrush, some said buy that air brush. Some said buy good ones, others said start with cheap ones first. This is info I got all over the internet. Some things were consistent, and some things were not.
  5. I have been thinking about getting a airbrush setup to do more detail custom stuff. The more I study and read on the topic, the more confused I become. As far as painting, my background is 4 years of autobody class in high school, 5 years painting at an auto body shop, and two years painting at an industrial painting company. Oh, and 45 years as a rattle can master. So, I have been looking at options, opinions, reviews, brands, and prices. I have come to the conclusion that a Cool Tooty compressor by No Name is the compressor I will get. As for guns I am thinking I will need two. One for large work, and one for fine work. Maybe a third. I am not looking for super expensive, nor bargain basement. I am looking for solid gravity fed work horses. One I see all the time at HL is Iwata. Another is Black Widow at HF. And then there is the Badger 105 that seems to be very popular. I want any gun I buy to be as good in 40 years as it is today, so the Hobby Lobby, and Harbor Freight options probably will not last that long. Maybe they will. I see 2mm, 3mm, 5mm, and 7 mm tips. Do I want a gun that can take many different size needles? Do I really want 2-3 guns to achieve the different sizes? Back when I painted cars, I had three Devilbiss gravity feed guns. One for primers, one for paint, and one for clear. I guess after all my bla bla bla, I am really asking what is a good solid airbrush, and how many should I have? Thank you
  6. That is amazing. The skirts, and art-deco look make the wedge look correct to the cab. Great work! The old Ford Hot Rod is great too.
  7. Now it is 100% and on display. Got the chain on and painted the markers.
  8. Thank you The color is testors enamel, with testors lacquer wet look clear.
  9. I would love to see that. I might do another with a Ford cab. Some day if I can find another Johan Torino oval track car that is not an arm and a leg, it will have a car to go with it.
  10. My previous Wedge build had a Dodge cab, and Iceman dually wheel set. I built it for a 68 Hemi Dart as if a race team acquired a untouched 10-year-old factory race car. This time I am building a very incorrect Wedge for the Coo Coo Marlin Monte Carlo. The true version would have been a C-70 Box truck with a trailer. But this is 1/25 scale world, so it will be a Racer's Wedge. The project was started and painted a couple years ago I think. Once again using IceMan dually wheels. I chose not to detail them, but just paint them white as many trucks back then just had everything painted white to cover the rust of the hubs, and lug nuts. I might do the same with the Chevy. I might paint them black, or a medium grey. Not sure yet.
  11. 2021 Jeep Gladiator, and a 2000 K3500
  12. Thank you. I got it off ebay. 3D Printed 1/25 Reese Trailer Hitch and Receiver | eBay
  13. Calling it done. Plow markers were a last-minute decision, so they need to be painted. I also need to locate a small chain for the lift arm to lift the blade. Other than that, it is done. And yes, the plow is detachable. I certainly achieved making it look like my 1/1 version
  14. That is awesome. So much detail everyplace. You must drive a service truck for a living. I can't even imagine the time it took to gather everything together, let alone build it. Outstanding!
  15. Thank you. I am happy with the results. Not perfect but is as close as it can be for what is out there.
  16. I love the concept, and the slant 6 for realism is a perfect choice.
  17. The world needs more plow trucks. Great build. The Factory Snow 1978 Commander would have had a 318 or 360 and offered on the W150, W200, AND W300 trucks.
  18. I like it. And it is 4WD too. Very cool build.
  19. Great Bronco. I love the color.
  20. Great build. I love it. I have one built too. Too bad someone didn't make a wagon body and interior tub for those.
  21. outstanding work. I love the red interior with the blue exterior.
  22. Love the Rubi, and the color.
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