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About rv1963

  • Birthday 03/27/1963

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  • Scale I Build

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  • Full Name
    Robert Vaglio

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. Thanks for the idea Joe, this kit is not worth the expense or the trouble to find out if those 3D decals fit, I rather enjoy trying to get the kit to the next level the old school way. Those decals are really awesome though.
  2. Well done David that paint work is nice and smooth, should look great when the decals go on.
  3. I think it's the same kit, the one you show is reboxed mine is the older version I think. Any part you see in my pics that is grey is stock any other color I added or modified.
  4. Looking good Joe, the paint effects look real good never tried that before.
  5. Time for an update finished all the detail mods in the cockpit next a little super glue clean up than painting. Also trying out the new Macro zoom lens on the camera. All comments welcome.
  6. Some times I get tired of just doing cars so here we go, the very very old Revell kit, not a great kit very soft details so I will change stuff. All the grey items in the pics are stock any other color has been modified. I was not crazy about the one piece seat so I modified it, I also thought the entire cockpit was sitting a little to low and shallow so I added just a little to the seat back to to drop it down and add some depth. I am in the process of making the pedals, next I will work on the inside of the fuselage halves and add some details. All comments welcome.
  7. Good work David, you did a lot of work on a very old kit should look great when it's finished.
  8. Well done those engine details look great.
  9. Yep the tires look much better now.
  10. Nice start Bil, isn't that kit about 15 years to new for you, Lol.
  11. Great build, that is one awesome Pontiac.
  12. Nice work on the interior and engine, that kit looks really good.
  13. Nice engine details, interior looks good to.
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