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Everything posted by Lobo2me

  1. Nice job Marc. Really like the color combo and the engine bay detail is the bomb.
  2. Thanks Dan...great to know someone is looking out for my goof-ups!
  3. Lobo2me


    Thanks guys. The '49 Ford was the first build of this bunch...and I like it the best...too.
  4. Great work! One of the cleanest jobs I have ever seen and excellent photography!!
  5. Thanks Mario. Started with Revell's '68 Beetle Limo. Stretched it and chopped the roof. Guts are mainly from Revell's Gene Snow FC kit.
  6. Lobo2me


    Who doesn't love Gassers.....
  7. Still remember seeing Dyno Don in the 60s....well done!
  8. The bloody Red Baron...
  9. Very cool...looks real fast!
  10. While multi-tasking, I inadvertently posted my daughter's Cabrio under WIP Dragsters. I am new to this Forum and know just enough about computers to be dangerous. Seems like the Christmas present I gave her belongs here. All the best...
  11. Very cool RRR. Nice job! Guess what they say is true, "great minds think alike, sometimes just slightly different times." Thought you'd enjoy my last project. Race you for pink slips....?
  12. Tried for the "blended" effect for a unique paint job one this very unique VW Beetle funny car. Not so easy with rattle cans. But I liked it...
  13. Oppps...my bad. Posted under wrong topic. Anyone know how to edit Post Categories....?
  14. My daughter learned to drive in this cute little VW. A dozen years later she was still grossing about selling it before moving to CO. She wanted it back but learned the next owner's brother had totaled the car. So I decapitated a Fujimi Golf Mk3 CL/GL and achieved the unique "Pinkish Lipstick Red" by shooting three coats of Testors Electric Pink and Revving Red simultaneously (a rattle can in each hand) over a black base coat. It worked and I surprised her on Christmas
  15. Well done Raoul. I remember building a couple Willys almost 60m years ago. Last year I decided something close to replication Big John Mazmanian's ride would be fun and check out my other Gassers. Best regards
  16. Nice job Joe. Very unique!
  17. Hi; Like many, I built hundreds of models as a kid. I started with WWI aircraft in 1st grade, moved onto WWII airplanes and vehicles (tanks, battleships, subs…you name it) by my 3rd year in school. I became distracted by building more significant and complex projects (like surfboards) in Jr. High. My crowning achievement was the 1:1 kit-car (FiberFab Avenger GT-12) I started in High School, which took three years to get on the road. Fast forward 50+ years. After I retired, I wondered if I might find my old Avenger on the internet. There were a lot of GT-12s, but none had any of the tell-tale signs that could have been my actual car. Disappointing for sure! After more exhaustive online searches, I stumbled on a vintage Avenger model kit. After I picked myself up off the floor, I challenged myself to recreate my original car in 1:25 scale, which reignited my modeling passion. Today, I get a big kick out of kitbashing all sorts of crazy dragsters and fictitious sports cars. Build on….
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