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walt francis

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Everything posted by walt francis

  1. well it has been 10 wks since I have been able to get on the board since I started driving truck, I know we have truck guys on here so here is my 2013 International Prostar In Ohio and once I get the hang of this I will be building in my truck and I can't wait to get back to building again.
  2. Well as of right now I am 5 wks into Tractor Trailer school and it's kicking my butt, I have driven straight truck for 15 yrs and I had to get out of the kids game since I blew the shoulder twice in one yr so this is a new career for me .....when Things slow down I'll be back around .......so you guys play nice in the sand box and I will catch you on the flip flop
  3. Ok, this is just toooooo sweeeeet so keep it going
  4. Well here is a quick update I got the chassiss all done the pinstrip on with a little cleanup to do and the dash all done in leather and wood inlay painted along with the seats and console and still working on the bucket. Almost forgot the master cylinder lines ran.
  5. Got the Base coat of Silver shot and Two top coats shot, the blue is Tamiya TS-50 Mica Bue
  6. Well got a little more done, I got the grill all detailed and made new Alum. driveshafts MOD-PODGE in the lights for some depth
  7. Well I have been waiting for this to finish and it looks like were almost there so I hope you saved me one because I am going to own one of these bad boys.....this is a must have.
  8. Ira, I just caught up with this creation of yours and you lit this board a fire with this build and have to ask one thing ...WHERE IS THE PEGASUS ? just one mobil Pegasus Please !!!!!!!!
  9. Ok well progress has been a little slow as I have been trying to learn how to use the rusting solution, but got the cab corners done and engine almost done Had to pin the exhaust so they would mate up better Tailgate is all fitted
  10. Well like everyone has said ..Elmers or carpenters glue work the best and you can thin it down with water and use it like a sanding sealer too and at all joints as a filler bead.
  11. Need a little help here guys , has anyone built the AMT 84 GMC Pickup ?
  12. I haven't got to far into this so what are those for ?
  13. Well got started on her yesterday and had to get rid of those box lines. I'm thinking Tu-tone and weathered so if you have any ideas throw them out their and I might use them ???
  14. Looks like she's ready to trade some paint
  15. Ok Guys this one is done and in the under glass section.
  16. Outstanding job on this and I just finished mine last night so it goes to the finish case.
  17. Wow looks really nice I hope the one I picked up comes out as nice.
  18. Sneak peak of things to come.
  19. Yea it's lowered if you look back you will see how I did it.
  20. Well she's almost a roller just a little more foil and decals and glass then chrome her up. ;D
  21. Wheels are done just need to dull coat
  22. Yea
  23. Well got the interior all wrapped up
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