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walt francis

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Everything posted by walt francis

  1. This Baby is really coming together with every change .....OUTSTANDING !!!!!!!!!!!
  2. This is going on the top of my want list after watching this.
  3. Well we got the chassis all buttoned up ;D
  4. Got the interior all foiled and decaled ...What a pain in the butt ;D
  5. I just can't leave well enough alone so I had to change the paint around a little bit ;D Little Black widow action
  6. Well the roof is getting painted black now because the wife walked past the door and says ...Oh your building a cop car Huh ? so now I'm going more towards the black Widow look.
  7. Thanks Doc.
  8. Ok guys lets see if I can get you caught up on the progress on this. ;D The trim was real light so had to fix it with some half round Just have to paint the air cleaners but the motor is done. working on lowering the front stance This is how it's going to sit Just finished the paint job and just a little cleanup to do
  9. I am now the proud ower of a RAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub:
  10. Just Got my Wheels from Steve and had to do a mockup 8-) 19 & 23 " ralleys
  11. Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.
  12. Looks good to me I really like the seat treatment ..where did you get those decals....Great idea.
  13. Looookin really good , keep her going.
  14. Super job !!!!!!!!!!
  15. Yea it will be there along with a bunch more
  16. Wow ! every little detail on this is super clean and crisp and the paint looks flawless.
  17. Making some new rear axle shafts by drilling it and inserting new shaft and cutting it off.
  18. So to get you all up to date on the progress lets get started. First we have the motor all stripped and cleaned Interior was stripped and now repainted and going back together Here you can see the frame has been stripped and now repainted and I cut some springs for the shocks just for a little detail to which this undercarriage has none test fit the axle..loookin good Here is the front axle after stripping and repaint and now just some detail painting just for a little intrest Interior is all painted The front grill was trimmed down a tad and cleaned up,just had to get rid of that heavy chrome..it lost alot of weight. This is where I go crazy trying to figure out rims and wheels but I have the front ones figured and already drilled, and pins from the 49 merc kit are going to work just fine. The paint is lime Ice
  19. Wow ! super nice job, you really did sweet job on it and love the colors
  20. Thanks Guys, Glad to know you like it.
  21. Wooooow She is so fine .
  22. Shane , This baby is looking great-the motor work,paint job and wheels are all coming together real nice so keep up the great work.
  23. Like alot of us will say...Never sweat the small stuff and build for the fun of building and don't make it a job. Nice paint and engine detail.
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