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Gary Chastain

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About Gary Chastain

  • Birthday 10/27/1956

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  • Scale I Build

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  • Full Name
    Gary L Chastain

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Gary Chastain's Achievements

MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. This bumper is kicking my…….. it is bent plastic and it keeps moving. You can see the gap on passenger side fender. Oh, this is the third bumper I have made so far.
  2. I am liking the visor and the mirrors, gives the truck a more modern look to fit the Resto Rod theme. Now, custom make CB radio and FMRS antennas, will need to be roof mounted.
  3. Nice addition/detail to your build, helps tell the story behind this rig.
  4. Thanks Landon, starting to see the finish line on the truck.
  5. Sure am liking the progress, stealing ideas😃
  6. Doooooo it, it’s actually been fun just building without instructions
  7. Some detailing today. Decals will be minimal and need to tell the story of a small private company truck, as this truck would not belong to a large corporation. Visor painted, will assemble it tomorrow. Giving thought to building a three axle lowboy trailer (got one of those kits) with hump fenders to match, with over size load of something. Squirrel 🐿️🐿️🐿️
  8. Thanks and yes the appointments are wearing me out, and still not many answers.
  9. Enjoy your builds, you don’t need to buy no stinking kits, you just make your kits. 🏆🏆🏆
  10. Wow, does that look the business and tell a great story.
  11. Breaking more rules. Tried making a visor a couple different ones, not anything I liked. Could not find any aftermarket visor that fits either. The goal with this truck is an updated old truck so sticking to the theme, I found this visor. Glueing visors on always gives me stress so I tried a bit different way. Drilled .040 holes in the visor ends, then aligned on the cab and drilled. This allows me to glue pins in place and it is already aligned. This visor also allows me to use later model cab lights and keep the roof clean. now some finish work and off to paint.
  12. Had to get a little creative to align the two large gages over the steering column, but I think it works.
  13. Ran into this tip on another model site. Guys are using this narrow tape for radiator clamps and also intricate stripping on their builds so I ordered some to experiment with.
  14. Brian, I use a product called Simichrome, have used this tube for 30 years as a toolmaker to polish aluminum. The aluminum exhaust stacks will be taller and have a 45 degree bevel, I think🥴, they will also be polished. The tubing is 1/4 inch which will give me about a 6 1/4 diameter in scale inches.
  15. Playing around with an idea that is not a semi truck for a change.
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