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Everything posted by Calb56

  1. Very nice build, I live it. Quick question, did the exhaust come in the AMT kit? Charles
  2. Haven't seen one of these forever... I miss them
  3. Two different parking lots, one day.
  4. Cash is still one of my favorite music artists.
  5. Late lunch for my wife and I. Amazing but...$70 with tip. Jeesh. On the other hand she did say it tasted like she remembered growing up in Connecticut.
  6. "Jour?", he exclaimed, "you're just taunting me so I bring out the squirrel again, aren't you?"
  7. Meals are often photographed by me as what I call "Food Porn" as inappropriate as that may be.
  8. Class is either something I skipped a lot of decades ago or something I'm never accused of having.
  9. Herded is not really a topic for, uh, squirrel!
  10. Haven't done anything in over a year, a lot of life happened. Anyway, I want to get back to my 29 Ford roadster and was wondering if the firewall from the 29 Ford pick up fits? Thank you Charles
  11. Something I've always wondered about is why...oh squirrel!
  12. Trying to figure out what the COE is?
  13. I don't understand it but it makes me ?
  14. Our neighbor bought another new toy...
  15. My wife's family has a group text chat to stay in touch. Her younger sister texted this last night and I lost it. Still makes me chuckle...
  16. Reality is I'm working and all I can think of is getting home and taking a nap.
  17. Graham, It'd be great if you took this over. This was originally based on the races TRoG held at Flabob and here's a link to the classes then (2023). https://www.theraceofgentlemen.com/race-entry-ca Unfortunately soon after I initiated this group build last year, it lost momentum because of my lack of participation. A couple of family crisis' arose and my focus shifted to my wife and then my job. I'd love to see this resurrected and to be a participant. Charles Erickson
  18. Saw these both today, one in a parking lot and one as a "food cart" at a farmer's market. Visiting family in Tucson.
  19. Mostly used with Midgets... https://myflatheadford.com/the-famous-jiggler/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.motortrend.com/news/hrxp-1111-tiny-smith-flathead-ford-jiggler-v8-60/amp/
  20. Very cool model! I love it. Thanks for posting.
  21. Ulf, your work is definitely an inspiration... I'm glad that you're still working on this project. I feel bad that with life, I've allowed this thread to dwindle away. Definitely start a wipe thread of your build! I hope to start another California Drags build, because I love the parameters of it. Thanks again for your work Ulf. Charles Erickson
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