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About NitroMarty

  • Birthday 02/21/1961

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  • Scale I Build
    1/24 - 1/25

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    You gotta be kidding.... Adult males don't do FB

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  • Full Name
    Marty Neyrinck

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MCM Avid Poster

MCM Avid Poster (5/6)

  1. Oldsmobile would not have portholes... You may be thinking of the AMT Buick Special wagon.
  2. Would love to see your builds of these kits. Such cool cars!
  3. Just wrapped up a couple of great trades with JollySipper and Dave Branson. Thanks guys
  4. Cool project. Just wondering where those awesome wheels came from.
  5. Shout-out to Rescued Customs for a fun painless trading experience!
  6. I have a built JoHan '61 F85 Wagon, that I picked up at a farm toy show several years ago. It's all there except for the taillights. Can anybody help me out with a pair. Plating condition is not important. Thanks
  7. I could still really use any of these 58 Bonneville parts, if anyone could help a brother out!
  8. I'd cruise the boulevard in that!!! 😎
  9. One step forward.... Two steps back. 😠 It's been gorgeous here the last couple of days, so I decided step outside to shoot the color on my Dart this afternoon. Unfortunately, I got in a rush and laid down too much paint too fast, resulting in an ugly mess.... So now it's soaking in a vat of 91% to melt it all away. Lesson learned.... Hopefully the 2nd attempt will yield a better outcome.
  10. PM sent
  11. My wife is finally out of the hospital and at home recuperating, so I've been able to get back to work on this one.... Chassis and drivetrain are about 95% done... Am waiting for a couple of warmer less windy days, so that I can setup out in the parking lot to lay a bit color on the body.
  12. Just finished up a great trade with kymdlr... The Chevy looks great Ron!!!! Thanks
  13. Actually I did receive 12 months. Payments defer to five months after the date of becoming disabled. I did splurge a bit and ordered a new cordless Dremel tool.... The truth is that most of the money will go toward catching up on a few things that have gotten behind.
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