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    Dave B

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  1. That's a Federal AeroDynic bar, the best one I've found is included in the Tamiya Celica pace car kit, bought one last year so I had the light bar for my 240 Robert Bronco project.
  2. That's perfectly normal. Our master bath has a GFCI, the guest bath does not, but it's downstream of the master bath GFCI so it's protected. One of our outside GFCI outlets send power to my shed, so even though the shed has no GFCI outlets it's still protected. A GFCI outlet has a line and load side, line goes to the breaker panel to get power, any outlets connected to the load side will have GFCI protection, there is no point in chaining a GFCI outlet off of another GFCI outlet, you gain no additional protection.
  3. Hit the test button on the GFCI so it trips, then plug something into the other outlets, if they are protected they will be dead.
  4. I'm with ya there, we had a bunch of Chrysler land yachts when I was growing up, 73 Plymouth Fury wagon, a Chrysler Newport of about the same vintage are 2 that I remember.
  5. Great looking model! I have one still in the box do a NH State Trooper model, still working on the 2007 version.
  6. Thanks, I could make those work, maybe I can find a parts tree for sale somewhere. Actually the Round 2 Turtle Wax van has some that might work as well, found that while looking for the one you recommended.
  7. I'm building a model of the 79 Monaco my dad had while I was growing up, wondering of these exist or if anyone has a printed version for sale?
  8. Just curious how others detail the newer style LED bars that have clear lenses? I used a couple coats of panel liner and a black sharpie but wondering if there's a better option.
  9. DaveB

    My WIP's

    Did some decal work today.
  10. For some reason pics of this paint look like garbage no matter how I take them, looks far better in person, could be the metallic. Montana was the only brand I could find this color in, the Montana primer seems to work well.
  11. DaveB

    My WIP's

    Got the green sprayed, will let it cure over the weekend and then started trimming it out.
  12. DaveB

    My WIP's

    Didn't get much done over the summer, started getting some modeling done recently. Started on the paint for the Charger, will be taping off the roof and spraying the 2nd color today.
  13. Final product after a couple coats of floor polish, good enough for government work.
  14. Been busy over the summer but got some model time in. I stripped the hood with 90% alcohol, lightly sanded then spayed with the Montana primer then sprayed with the metallic champagne, problem solved.
  15. In case you weren't aware https://3dprinting.com/news/shapeways-files-for-bankruptcy/
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