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rattle can man

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About rattle can man

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  • Full Name
    Harry Heintzelman

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. 1) how hard it is to find a simple, generic 6 pin electrical connector to replace the bad one on an old mower. The only part listed for that mower is an entire wiring harness, and they are no longer available anyway. 2) spell check/ auto correct.
  2. Very nice build! No hood sides definitely gives it a hot rod look..
  3. I've heard of using clear paint to attach photo-etch parts. I've never tried it. At least it wouldn't damage the paint like glue could (provided the clear is compatible with your finish) or be as noticeable as a glue blob/ mark.
  4. I have a few of the Willys kits in the non-Malco release version and a set of aftermarket decals for one of them, that is why I asked.
  5. Does that Kent Fuller dragster have a Chevy engine? And is that the only option?
  6. Like the article mentions, the chemicals might damage the plastic. And who knows what it would do to resin parts. Standard sanding and polishing would remove any surface oxidation and restore the whiteness. But I don't think there is a permanent solution.
  7. In addition to the saw and Dremel tool you have, there are also several different saw blades for standard X-Acto handles. And there are also photo etch blades for the same handles. I keep some of each on hand for smaller cuts. Photoetch saw blades remove less material than standard blades, but they do bend easier.
  8. Mustang or Willys?
  9. Really liking this build. You are tempting me to build a custom truck.
  10. For me, the ideal ratio would be 8 hrs of each.
  11. hmmm.... can you say hot rod Fergusen?
  12. Got in an hour of yard work and 5 hrs. of bench time.
  13. second round of bodyline work on a custom Torino, front end Chassis work on a 51 Chevy, decals on a model T delivery, Frame and running board mods almost complete on 25 T and original Ala Kart (parts box build) kit bash, and found a few kits to trade
  14. My apologies for my last post in this thread. My intention was not political.
  15. R.I.P. Gene. He was right up there with Watson and Bill Hines. I never met him, but I remember him flagging the run-whatcha-brung drags at the KKOA Salina show. Guess I need to get that '40 Sedan Delivery built OOB now.
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