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58 Impala

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Everything posted by 58 Impala

  1. I already have a screamer Porter Cable pancake compressor for my air nailers. I think this compressor will work great for my airbrushes.
  2. I appreciate everyone's opinions and comments. I bit the bullet and took a chance and bought the Fortress 1 gallon compressor. Harbor Freight had a coupon this past weekend for $25 off on anything over $100. So I got the 1 gallon compressor for $144 including tax. It has dual pistons and a larger tank than the airbrush compressors I was looking at so I'll see if I made a good choice.
  3. I just purchased a couple of Gaahleri swallowtail airbrushes and I'm looking for a good (not real expensive) airbrush compressor w/tank. Im looking at Gaahleri, Master Airbrush and Spraygunner No Name compressors. Anyone have any recommendations, opinions or advice. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  4. I watched this video. Takes a little bit of work but looks great.
  5. The kit Is the California Flash Plymouth A990. Wes is sold out and Modelroundup doesn't list it (they had one OOP a while back and it was around $80).
  6. They said they could put one together (California Flash Plymouth A990), I paid full retail plus shipping $43 total. When I notified them I specified the parts that were missing, they sent most of the correct parts but not all of them. I just went back through the other 5 kits I purchased (Plymouth Belvedere I,Dodge Coronet, Dodge Coronet A990, Golden Commandos Plymouth AWB and the Dave Strickler Dodge AWB) and managed to find the missing pieces that just happen to be extra parts in some of those kits. They could have just pulled the correct parts from the Dodge A990 which are the same for both kits in the first place.
  7. I have recently purchased several of the new Dodge/Plymouth kits (looking forward to building them) As for their customer service not happy. I recently emailed them about possibly purchasing the Plymouth A990 kit since everyone is sold out. They said they could put one together. When I received the kit it had all the parts to build the stock Belvedere kit not the A990 were in the box. After an email and a couple of phone calls, they said they would send the correct parts. Received my package, still missing all the correct parts along with some wrong ones. I guess I'll have to buy another Dodge A990 kit to get all the correct parts. Disappointing.
  8. I’m looking forward to this kit if it has the solid roof and flat hood. I would like to build a model of an 78 LT I used to have.
  9. Are there any pictures of the Z28? Is it the same old kit with the T-Tops or does it have a solid roof?
  10. Does anyone know where I can find the paint color breakdown of the 101 65 Dodge A990's ( How many white, black, red, blue etc.) Thanks.
  11. Thanks, I’ll check them out.
  12. I recently purchased several Moebius Dodge and Plymouth models. I'm looking for aftermarket super stock and AFX drag racing decal. Slixx only has a few. Are there any other outlets out there?
  13. Anyone know of any aftermarket parts for Salvinos JR Indycar models? Thanks.
  14. Very nice build, cleanest I've seen. Built that kit as a kid. Maybe I'll find one to build.
  15. Nice work so far. Looking forward to watching your progress.
  16. Very nice build. Like the two tone paint.
  17. Wow. Very nice build, Tamiya should take a cue from your build and make their kits all full detail
  18. Wow, amazing build.
  19. Wow, nice group of Galaxies.
  20. Nice work so far. Looking forward to seeing the finished model.
  21. Beautiful job. I have several Enthusiast kits, including a couple of 356 Porsche kits. Haven't been brave enough to tackle one yet.
  22. Nice work, great save.
  23. There is a how-to for what you're trying to do on Pro Tech's webpage.
  24. Wow, amazing build. Great detail.
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