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Hot Rod Dunham

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  • Full Name
    Tommy Stauter

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    Tommy Stauter

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  1. My most recent build. Very enjoyable and I think it turned out pretty well. I’ve also been trying to spice up my photos so I added a pretty lady to the display.
  2. Just finished this one and it was a really fun build. The only problem I had was I won this kit through an auction and the decal sheet was missing. . Starting to add some figures to my photos, just have a little variety. Enjoy.
  3. I’ve picked up a bottle but haven’t tried it yet; have enough Future to last through a couple of more builds.
  4. Because all of the posts I’ve seen are from 2008; I’m looking for a suitable replacement.
  5. I still have a small amount of Future Floor Wa but it’s almost gone. What has anyone used as a replacement that you’re happy with?
  6. One of my favorite things to do is build cars & trucks that were used in my favorite TV show of all time, Justified. And one of those cars is a ‘63 Rambler, of which no kit exists. My question is this; is there a kit that resembles this car that I could use to make reasonable facsimile of? I’ve looked some but this is new territory to me.
  7. I got back into the hobby about four years ago and am having a blast% I’m 63 now so about a 47 year hiatus. ? My favorite subject to build is cars/trucks from the TV show Justified (the original, not Primeval ??). I have also forayed into ships, which is like a completely different hobby. Looking forward to learning a lot from this group%
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