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John E. Bowers Jr.

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About John E. Bowers Jr.

  • Birthday 04/28/1961

Previous Fields

  • Scale I Build

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Profile Information

  • Full Name
    John E. Bowers, Jr.

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John E. Bowers Jr.'s Achievements

MCM Avid Poster

MCM Avid Poster (5/6)

  1. Outstanding! (as usual)... From where did you source the dog dish/steel wheels?
  2. Don't think that would work for me, thanks. Revell or Monogram will.
  3. The original issue was marketed as Monogram. The later reissues are either Monogram Or Revell labels.
  4. Please tell us more about this kit!
  5. Hi guys, like the title says, I'm looking for a frame for the recent Chevy Sport pickup truck kit#85-4468 (brown box art) or the original issue #2264 (molded in yellow) or any other incarnation of the many reissues. If you have one I'd love to trade you something good for it. I have tons of wheel (rims) and tires, photoetch, decals, or something else that you may need or want. Please post up or PM me. J.B.
  6. Very, very nice work on this. I have one of these in my stash but I'm unaware of the transkit Can you tell us more about it?
  7. Was this at the NNLEast last weekend?!
  8. Simply unbelievable! You have skills than I can only wish for...
  9. I also thought that I had posted this. It's an old build, a Z/28 converted into as SS396. URL=http://s25.photobucket.com/user/Likittysplit/media/set2002.jpg.html] URL=http://s25.photobucket.com/user/Likittysplit/media/set2005.jpg.html] URL=http://s25.photobucket.com/user/Likittysplit/media/set2007.jpg.html]
  10. I need to get back in the swing with you guys.
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