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Everything posted by crazyjim

  1. I like it and might be interested in an XL shipped to Florida.
  2. Welcome to the MCM Forum James. This is a great place to display your builds, ask questions about techniques, find parts, and help each other.
  3. Yo Nick, I think you should submit the how to on making the trailer hitch. I've used your system and it works very well.
  4. Welcome Jim. You've hit the best place for model builders. Lots of talent and people willing to help.
  5. I have an AMX in my stash and plan to build it sometime in the futre. I hope mine comes out half as good as yours. Beautiful details on the engine.
  6. Jody, I got the 21 capacity display case from Carney Plastics for Christmas and it is really nice. Even has a mirrored back. Very well made. I bought a couple sheets of plexiglas at Lowe's yesterday figuring I'd try my hand at a couple of single display cases. I had some finished oak with routed edges that the plexi will fit to. I already painted the base and put ballast on it so it looks like asphalt. Another I might do with grass and another a display like you might see at a 1:1 car show. Check out Carney Plastics though. You might like what they offer.
  7. After reading your posts I went back and photobucket opened right up. Thanks for the quick response.
  8. I can't get into photobucket this morning. My wife can't get into it either. Anybody else having issues with photobucket?
  9. The November 2009 issue of MCM has an article by Mr. Obsessive about using clear acetate for glass.
  10. I got the November issue last week from the LHS. December hadn't arrived yet but it's only going on the end of January.
  11. I like it. Real nice and clean.
  12. I'm liking what I'm seeing so far. Had a chance to rent a new Challenger over the weekend in Chicago. There was a chance for snow so I decided to rent a front wheel drive Dodge Journey instead.
  13. Yo Dave. Lighten up. I was trying to make a joke.
  14. Forget the fine tooth comb - go over the car with a magnet. I'll bid $500.00 for the 'Cuda as is.
  15. I registered and am waiting for the authorization code. Looking at replies here, it looks like the same people will be posting there. Why is that?
  16. James, you seem a bit old to enlist in the miliatry, but best of luck to you. It should be an experience you'll never forget. Ran into a troop at Chicago's O'Hare airport over the weekend. He was in the McDonald's line behind me. He didn't have to pay for his meal. Us Vietnam Veterans were treated like garbage upon our return. Luckily, our country has learned to treat the troops like human beings because of the treatment we received - but it's been worth it! I ran 1 mile, 2 mile and cross country while in high school and college and thought I was in pretty good shape when I got to boot camp. That ###### DI ran me into the ground. I wore shorts and gym shoes while he wore BDUs and boots. Still ran me down. Keep your head down and never volunteer. Thank you in advance for serving our country. Better yet, thank you for even considering serving our country. George53 - SEMPER FI and WELCOME HOME, Brother. I was an FO for a 105 battery, 1/13, 1969-70, about 10 miles west of Danang.
  17. Hello everyone. I wanted to pass the word that this week Hobby Lobby has a 30% discount on plastic model kits and diecasts.
  18. Hello. Is this my attorney? We need to talk about a lawsuit.
  19. crazyjim

    62 Bel Air

    Always loved the bubble tops. Yours looks real good.
  20. Ed and Charlie are right Nick. TALK TO SOMEBODY!! I used to keep my combat experiences inside and it caused me to look for solace in a bottle. Didn't work. The booze made me angry and then I'd go looking for the biggest guy in the bar. Some wins/some loses but I was the biggest loser. Through caring friends (other Veterans) I was able to admit I had problems and sort professional assistance. It worked. By the way, I'm not called Crazy Jim for nothing. I earned it and then changed my life around for the good. So once again TALK TO SOMEBODY!!!!!
  21. Kits look good. How bad is the bad news?
  22. Nice looking truck.
  23. Why just go to Scale Dreams that has the correct size wire and in a variety of colors. Rick also has scale wire looms.
  24. Super slick paint job, Cliff. Looks as if you can end the nail polish thinning issue - what did you use to thin the nail polish? Acrylic enamel reducer? Lacquer thinner?
  25. I looked at Home Deport today for acrylic enamel reducer and they don't have any. Is it supposed to be reducer or thinner? I got a bottle of purple nail polish that's screamin' to be used on a kit.
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