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Everything posted by ellisk

  1. The 2013 event will be on June 8 and 9, 2013. Location: Overland Park Convention Center, 6000 College Boulevard, Overland Park, KS http://opconventioncenter.com/ Models must be registered on Saturday, June 8, between the hours of 2 PM and 7 PM. Registration fees are : Adults ($15 for the first 10 model entries - then $1 after that), Ages 12-16 ($10 flat), 12 and under are free. 28 judging classes with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards in each. Plus 16 special awards. Theme is "Corvettes - any year, style, anything goes - as long as it's a Vette" The show and vendors open up on Sunday, June 9, at 9 AM. There is NO early-bird to the swap meet. Usually 300-400 entries - this is a National Level Event. Around 72 tables of vendors! On show day we have a live DJ and also Hot Wheels Races for the kids. Awards ceremony starts at 3PM and concludes about 3:45. The Overland Park Convention Center is world class and has a Sheraton Hotel http://sheratonoverlandpark.com/ adjoining it. Underground and surface parking in abundance. Handicapped accessible. Many nearby hotels, motels, shopping, and restaurants in one of the Kansas City Metro's upscale areas. Bring the family and make a weekend of enjoying all that KC has to offer. Contact Info: Club Website - http://www.kcslammers.com Show information and general questions - Alyn Loya (913) 268-0392 or email him at alynloya@gmail.com Vendors and Sponsors - Robert Perillo (816) 824-8585 or email him at umberto659@yahoo.com Club email - kcslammers@fotki.com
  2. Salina, KSThe Elden Titus Model Kemp Spectacular - 6th Annual. Hosted by the Kustom Kemps of America and the KC Slammers Model Car Club. Model contest awards open only to "Kustoms and Hot Rods". Registration is 9AM - Noon. Awards at 4:30PM. Judging by world famous 1:1 customizers! Oakdale Park, 730 Oakdale Park Ave, Salina, KS, 67401. Contact: Ellis Kendrick, 2104 Jetty Street, Liberty, MO 64068. Ph. (816) 806-2679. Email ek495@yahoo.com KC Slammers Website www.kcslammers.com for latest updates and info.
  3. KS, Overland Park: KC Slammers Heartland Model Car Nationals 20th Annual. Overland Park Convention Center, 6000 College Blvd. June 4th and 5th, 2011. Registration Saturday, June 4th, 2:00pm-7:00pm. Fees: Adult $15, Teens $10, under twelve free. Public show, vendors, and awards on Sunday, June 5, 9:00am-4:00pm. 40+ judging classes. Special Guest - Mark Gustavson. Contact for info: Bill Barker at wlb19@yahoo.com. Visit http://kcslammers.com/index_files/Page648.htm for updates and details.
  4. KS, Overland Park: KC Slammers Heartland Model Car Nationals 20th Annual. Overland Park Convention Center, 6000 College Blvd. June 4th and 5th, 2011. Registration Saturday, June 4th, 2:00pm-7:00pm. Fees: Adult $15, Teens $10, under twelve free. Public show, vendors, and awards on Sunday, June 5, 9:00am-4:00pm. 40+ judging classes. Special Guest - Mark Gustavson. Contact for info: Bill Barker at wlb19@yahoo.com. Visit http://kcslammers.com/index_files/Page648.htm for updates and details.
  5. Thanks, Marty and Dan! I'll zip an email out tonight!!! A very grateful Ellis!
  6. Danno! How about an address for Mr. Wann? Or an email? or a phone number? I've just stumbled across this thread and I WANT one of the Cosma Ray kits! Me and a bunch of the KC Slammers Model Car Club were at Darryl Starbird's on Saturday the 13th and I was all over the REAL Cosma Ray. Thanks! Ellis Kendrick, Liberty, MO ek495@yahoo.com
  7. The Heartland Model Car Nationals is sponsored and run by the KC Slammers Model Car Club of Greater Kansas City, MO. It's in its 19th year and the theme this year is "60's Muscle Cars". Registration is on Saturday, June 12, from 2PM -7PM. The actual model show and vendors area is on Sunday the 13th from 9 AM - 4 PM. It is being held again this year at the Overland Park Convention Center in Overland Park, KS (a suburb or Kansas City). For all the details check out our website at http://www.kcslammers.com.
  8. I still have about 15 one-ounce bottles of Kustom Kolor Paint by House of Kolor. It's that brand they sold through Wal-Mart, their website, and hobby shops. Well, I ran out of their "Airbrush Reducer" to thin out the paint for use in airbrushes. My question is... does anyone have an idea of what I can use to thin it with for spraying? I can still get it at a local hobby shop here in Kansas City. Too bad they quit packaging the stuff... GREAT colors!!!! ellisk
  9. The KC Slammers are now entering their 18th year in the Kansas City, Missouri, metropolitan area. We have around 35 members and we are active builders and collectors of anything that rides on wheels! The club's Heartland Model Car Nationals (18th year in June, 2009) draws in around 500 entries each year, many vendors, and prides itself on having had such nationally recognized guests of honor as Bob Paeth (master modeler), Elden Titus (Custom Car Builder and Designer), Jerry Titus (President of the Kustom Kemps of America), and Darryl Starbird (The King of Bubble Top Customs). The club also currently organizes and stages the model car contest for the Darryl Starbird Custom Car Show held annually in Wichita, Kansas, and the Kustom Kemps of America at their annual Leadsled Spectacular in Salina, Kansas, at the end of July each year. Our website is second-to-none and has many great photo albums from model contests as well as many 1:1 car events, shows, and contests. We invite everyone to visit us over at http://www.kcslammers.com . Ellisk
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