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Everything posted by simonr

  1. Ok, does he still has the same email addres he had for years?
  2. Hello, after sent Robert a couple of emauls with out any responce from him, is he still in business?
  3. Todas we are exactly a year ahead to the final GSL, are you planning to be there?...I do!
  4. Thanks a lot for the info, Steve. Simón
  5. Do this vendor is still in business?
  6. Thanks for your comment. Check out the video I Just uploaded at the end of those pictures...
  7. When I was airbrushing the clear, I forgot to throw light coats of clear firt, as always, and you guys can se the result in the firts picture, a total mess. After I polished the whole model, I reworkes the roof of the model working with a new carbon paper decal and airbrushed clear again, but Just in this section this time. At the end I think everything turned out ver well.. Movie003.mp4
  8. An extra...Renaissance catalog: http://www.renaissance-models.com/nouveautes_fichiers/24e_accessoires_Photos.pdf
  9. Hello, awesome and unusual topic selected. I think that after all that great work you have done with this models, it deserves a better and correct set of wheels. Th first pick should be the Campagnolos that are pictured on the kit's box. The sencod one, and classic on Ferraris of this period are the Borranis. As you can see, I'm including here pictures of the real ones and links where you can get the in 1/24. https://www.mkakter.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=123711 www.geminimodelcars.com/listing/1140333867/borrani-turned-and-photoetched-wire If you go to www.renaissance-models.com, you can get both styles of wheels and the correct wood kit for the steering wheel. Good luck!
  10. And is in my current workbech work...
  11. These are pictures of the completed interior tub...
  12. I received another BMW M4 body from Alpha Model,but, like the first time, it arrived with the roof crushed. The good news is thta is was much easier to fix tan the Firth time and in less than 10 minutes I had this one ready for primer. I even tried out the interior cabin I already built just to check fix. This time I opened the panel lines, did the panel lines on the roof to be guides for the carbón fiber paper airbrushed some Finisher's foundation white, Finisher's foundation blue, and Finisher's Chrome silver. Added Scale Motorsport carbon fiber on the roof and finally airbrushed Gaianotes EX-03 clear.
  13. Hello, it has been a very long while since I posted any project here. I'm returning working on my first Alpha Model, a BMW M4. It arrived with the pillars crushed, but, nothing that could not be easily repaired, as I did. After I did the repair, I just airbrushed the sections where it was fixed and since this model is so perfectly casted that I didn't used any primer et all. For the color I have in mind I started with Finisher's gloss white, Finisher's Foundation Blue and ending with Finisher's Chrome Silver. In order to get the color I wanted, I custom mixed Modo Phantom Green and Clear Sky Blue. At the end you can see the results...
  14. Check your message box, I sent some pictures of the 914/6.
  15. OK my friend. Thanks so much for the info. Let's see when I finish model to share some pictures with you. Simón
  16. Thanks a lot my friend for your fast answer to my question. I think that I will do is, since I want to have a whole engine and include the axles adn not the rod that connects the wheels, will be to make a mold from either the Fujimi flatnose or the Tamiya 1988 911 Turbo and shave that bottom part and subtitute it with casted parts. Let see how it turns out. Actually, at present time I'm building the Historics Racing Miniatures 914/6 you designed and helped me to get one. In that one, I cut that part and substitued the oil returning tubes with Hobby Design stainless steel tubing. Here are a couple of pictures of what I did. What measure of plastic tubing you used for the roll bar and the engine parts?
  17. Excellent built...What chassis you used?...It looks like it has a built in lower part of both the transmition and the engine block. What size of plastic tubing you used for both, the roll bar and engine parts? ...Please, let me know...
  18. Thanks so much to all you guys for your nice comments and stop by and take a look on this nostalgic build... Simón P. Rivera-Torres
  19. Woww...what a great story!...
  20. Yes...like in the states. Some of my friends saw the pictures and told me the same. I wouldn't try that because I was afraid to damage the part and its real hard to get another model of this one.
  21. Hello, it has been a very long since the last time I posted any project here, but, definetly I had to show this one. This is a very rare 1/24 Nichimo model of the Mitsubishi Champ that also was known as Colt, Plymouth and Precis. To me is very special, because this one was one of the cars I could see on the steets of my Puerto Rico in the early 80's when I was in higj school. The low profile look together with the Supra wheels was very hot look then used not only on this one, but, in other Jaoanese cars like Toyota Corollas, Datsuns, etc. Also the Nissan Sentra center caps were fitted at the center of the Supra wheels without any problem and looked great by that time. I scratchbuilt the centers with plastic styrene. All these Japanses cars on the island has four Pioneer 8 inch woofers at the rear. These ones are also, like the model, very rare, because they came with the tower tweeter over. This one comes with just two but I casted them to have the complete four set. By that time it was also famous that Jesus Christ decals at the front lights. Those decals, like the front and rear plates, were computer produced. Front and rear
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