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    Dennis Chardeen

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  1. Great transformation from sedan to hardtop. Everything looks really good, you are a master.
  2. Also, flip the front spindles upside down for the correct ride height.
  3. I'm doing the same build, but as a no name car. I used the tubs from the AMT 66 Nova pro street kit, with little filling and they fit great, you can also slide the inside of the tubs into the frame rails, looks neat and is secure. I used the Dana from the Revell 68 Charger kit, moved the springs in board as you did and also use the ladder bars. Looking at a video on You Tube, as the car was backing up you can clearly see the leaf springs on the big tire car. I used the slicks from a Polar Lights funny car with Future Attraction crowned super tricks. All most done, just glass and bumpers. Good luck with the build.
  4. Very sharp build.
  5. Very cool build.
  6. Very clean and sharp build as usual. Good job.
  7. Sharp T-Bird.
  8. Following this one. Ron, where did you order the leaf springs with the Caltracs?
  9. Congratulations on a spectacular build.
  10. Great looking build. Dealership decal on the lid is an awesome touch.
  11. Outstanding build.
  12. Great looking build.
  13. Awesome build. Would have been cool to take on the family vaca.
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